Chapter 13: Maylin

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Chapter 13, Maylin

After yet another clash between the two clans causing even more devastation, it came to my attention that I didn't even know anything about this war or even much about the clans. Sure Alan, Tracey and Elizabeth were giving me lessons on Naga's and Bird shifters along with learning to hold my own in a fight. I learnt about a Naga's weakness which was fire and what boosts their abilities which was water. I even learnt who had been killed by the Naga's, how they were killed and when they were killed as well. They had never told me straight out what started the war, sure they mentioned that the Naga's attacked first but they never told me why they attacked. After all no one would start a war or even attack unless there was a good reason, take Derek for an example he attacked because my blood appealed to him just like it would to any other blood pixie or vampire. Since I didn't know why the war started I decided I was going to find out the truth. Hopefully the elders would tell me so I didn't have to look into it myself but I had a feeling that they wouldn't tell me. That didn't matter though because one way or another I was going to find my answers that I wanted and needed.

"Hey Alan" I called out after our daily lesson finished.
"What is it Maylin? Do you have questions about today's lesson, it was a bit larger than normal so it's a lot to take in" smiled Alan.
"Yes, there was a lot to take in but my question isn't exactly about other kinds of creatures, I was actually wondering about the Wolven and Aven clan's" I explained.
"Well in either case ask away, if I know the answer then I will answer your question" said Alan and I nodded.
"It's about the war, you once told me that the Wolven clan attacked the Aven first and that it was because they wanted more land but I don't really understand, why did they want more land? And if we were allies at the time, why did they attack instead of just asking?" I questioned and I saw that Alan had gone stiff but put it to the back of my mind for now.
"To tell you the truth I don't know, I wasn't an elder back then I was only a child along with Elizabeth and Tracey but from the notes of the elders back then there was no other reason but them being blood-thirsty savages" answered Alan. For some reason that answer didn't sit right to me, something told me he was either lying or holding something back.
"Okay thanks" I said with a smile as I went to ask Tracey and Elizabeth to ask them the same question. They gave the same answer though, all saying about how the Wolven clan were blood-thirsty savages but they were vague about any other information about the first attack. Just like with Alan I got the feeling they were lying or holding something back not to mention the fact that what they said was basically the same word for word so it was probably scripted by either them or the elders before them. I also decided to ask around the clan for information but they seemed to have even less information then the elders which made me sigh in irritation. Looks like if I wanted the truth about the clans I would have to look outside of my own clan since they wouldn't tell me the truth. There weren’t many other options that I could use after all the Wolven clan would sooner see me dead rather than help me. It was then that I remembered the lesson that I had learnt today, Alan had said about how Vampires and Dragonkin could live for thousands of years. So all I needed to do was find one of them that hopefully wouldn't kill me on sight, that was also ancient and see if they knew anything about the war. Though that was a thought and adventure for tomorrow seeing as it was time to go to bed and be ready for my college classes tomorrow so I headed to bed. 

When I opened my eyes I sighed a little angry at the fact that I was having another weird dream, about when I was supposably a baby. I was in denial about it after all just because the elders tried to tell me that I was adopted. I wasn't going to just believe it without proof, if I could get some proof of what they had told me then I would accept it. To be truthful I was hoping that they were wrong but deep down I felt like it was true but I didn't want to believe it.
"Are you sure about this Nathan, it's not going to hurt little Maylin is it?" asked Robin worriedly as she bounced the baby lightly.
"I promise darling that it isn't going to hurt her, if we don't do this she could be hurt because of her power, we are both rather powerful meaning that our child will be even more powerful than us so she could be hurt by other creatures that are drawn to her or even hurt herself if powers get out of control" said Nathan who seemed to be drawing weird symbols on the baby in a weird blue liquid.
"I know but I just can't handle the fact that my sweet baby, our Maylin will be in danger at all. If anything happens to her I would never forgive myself" whispered Robin gently brushing her hand through the babe's hair.
"Nor would I dear, nor would I that is why we must do this to protect her. If something happens to us then she will be able to pass as a human and have a normal life meaning that she won't be able to be pulled into this never ending war" explained Nathan and Robin nodded but even I could tell she didn't look convinced.
"Look at it this way it's more protection against other creatures that aren't in the clans. They will see her as a human so she won't be worth their time" said Nathan kissing Robin's head gently. What he said next must have been in a different language seeing as I didn't understand any of it but the blue liquid started to glow. Once he finished talking there was a bright flash of light that blinded me for a few minutes, it seemed to have come from the blue liquid. 

Opening my eyes I saw that they were gone and it was like I was floating in the middle of a completely black space since that was all I could see. It was just like when I heard that strange voice talking to me the night after Derek attacked me.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out unsure what was happening.
"Daughter of two, you must remember" called a voice.
"What do you mean? Remember what exactly? And where are we?" I fired off.
"Remember daughter of both before it is too late for you" said the same voice.
"I would be able to remember if you gave me a hint like telling me what I had forgotten seeing as I don't think I have forgotten anything" I yelled getting a little angry.
"The awakening is coming, memories will be brought to the light" said the voice and this made me stop my questions. In my first weird dream there was also a weird voice telling me something about an awakening so this must be the same place.
"What memories? And what do you mean awaking? Please I can't do anything if you don't tell me anything" I tried to explain to the voice.
"The awakening is close but the danger is closer, be careful on who you choose to trust" said the voice before it seemed to fade away making me realise that I had woken up seeing as I was looking at my room ceiling now.

Looking around I realised that something was off though I couldn't put my finger on the feeling at least until I looked at my pillows. There were feathers on the pillow that weren't there last night and my pillows weren't feathered pillows so how did they get there? Wait, I was part of the Aven clan and they were bird shifters so that meant. I cut my own thoughts off as I reached up to my hair only to feel feathers all through my hair as well, only a few though. Doing what any person that thought they were a normal human would do which it seemed that I wasn't anymore, I screamed.
"Maylin, what's wrong?" Tracey asked as she slammed the doors open with at least four warriors with her.
"I have feathers in my hair, why is there feathers in my hair?" I demanded hysterical and I could feel tears prick in my eyes.
"It's okay don't worry it's all fine, it just means that the seal is fading and your powers are starting to show themselves" cooed Tracey shooing the warriors away. This broke what little hold on my tears I had as they started to stream down my face making me bury my head in my hands. I hadn't wanted to believe them about me being a Bird shifter but now there was proof, proof that proved not only was I a creature but that my life had been one big lie. I'd been adopted after my real parents were murdered and that I was actually born to lead this clan. More tears streamed down my face at this thought making me have to give up on trying to cover my face with my hands so I buried my face in my knees. If Robin and Nathan hadn't been killed would I be the same as the rest of the clan, looking down on humans, not caring if I killed humans or other creatures.
"There, there it's okay this is nothing to be crying about, it means we will have to be more careful now until you fully unlock your Bird shifter ability but for now you will be back to your normal looks in a few minutes" said Tracey rubbing my back gently. I don't think that she fully understood why I was so upset, she probably thought it was because of my looks but I didn't care about that if I did I would have gotten contacts a long time ago. That brought me to another change, I could see perfectly without my glasses meaning that at the moment my eyes were fixed so when I gained the ability to take on a half form or a full form I wouldn't have to worry about my glasses.
"The reason you don't need glasses at the moment is because your eyes and some of your hair changed but as I said they will go back to normal soon and you will need your glasses again" said Tracey. Nodding I dried my eyes and got up to get ready for class. Even though I had a horrible night sleep last night and now I had this to deal with, I couldn't just skip if I wanted passing grades. Thankfully though by the time I finished my shower my eyes and hair had gone back to normal. Why was this suddenly happening, I could have gone my whole life believing that I was human until all of this happened. Then the words echoed through my head, 'the awakening is coming'. Is this what the voice meant? The awakening of my creature side and the abilities that come with it. If it was then it was already happening and I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread fill me right to the bones. Now that I had started to show abilities to be a Bird shifter there was no getting away from the clan. This meant that it was more important to find out the truth about the clans more than ever before, even if that meant turning to an unlikely and deadly source that could lead to me being killed.

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