Chapter 21: Maylin

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Chapter 21, Maylin

Saying that I wanted to snap out of my rage and actually managing to do it were two different things. Firstly I needed to calm my inner rage so I crossed my legs and began to meditate glad I had done meditation before so I found it easier and faster to sink into a calmed state. Charlie had been hurt that much was true, but from all the lessons and books I had read I know that Naga's heal faster than humans and even some creatures so he wouldn't be dead just wounded. My other friends would be together and looking out for each other and other people meaning that they would be fine as well. Next to think about was the elders, while they were attacking humans and creatures with no restraint that did not mean that they deserved death. Don't get me wrong they were going to be punished for what they had done and the deaths that they had caused. Their deaths would not solve anything seeing as them dying would not bring the dead back to life. Now I just needed to get back to them but for that I needed my friend's help. Charlie, Eric, Shawn, Kieran, Derek, Sally, Michael and even Angeni, they were all waiting for me so I couldn't make them wait for too long.
"-ylin, Maylin" I heard someone yelling, it was Michael.
"Calm yourself, Charlie is fine he isn't dead you don't need to worry about that" yelled who I realised was Joshua.
"Do not lose yourself to your creature side, you are better than that" said Samual.
"This rage isn't like you Maylin, even when I attacked you and tried to kill you, you didn't react like this plus even when I apologised you could have attacked me or even killed me and I would have let you but you didn't because you aren't that sort of person" Derek commented.
"He is right, I don't know you all that well just yet but I want the chance to get to know you so pull through this" called Sally.
"You can't let this beat you after all you have been through" said Eric.
"What he said, Charlie is right here, you don't need to be angry that he is gone because he isn't gone, he is right here" said Shawn.
"May will be punished for her attack but we need you to calm down first" promised Kieran.
"You are strong just as your parents were please, I have already lost them don't let them take you away as well when I have only just found you" said Angeni but her voice was further away seeing as she wasn't at the battlefield.
"Maylin? It's okay I'm okay everything is fine and so is everyone else you can hear us right? It's time to wake up now please, my beautiful Maylin please come back to me and show me those lovely amethyst eyes of yours" whispered Charlie and finally it was like something was lifted from me as I could open my eyes now as he hugged me tightly. 

"Charlie, everyone" I muttered as I felt something change in me but it wasn't like before. Instead of feeling Charlie hugging me I could see them, all of them even my clansmen, Derek's clansmen and Michael's clansmen as well seeing as everyone had stopped attacking and were now staring at me. Looking down I was surprised to see a mix of black scales and feathers, it was like the feathers were hiding the scales. That's when it hit me, I had taken on my full Couatl form unlike anyone else who only had access to their half forms. I was four meters long and had large rainbow feathered wings on my back that were at least five meters long and built for flying if I wanted to try it.
"You back with us now Maylin?" asked Charlie and I nodded err well, I bent my head since I wasn't used to this body yet.
"This is impossible! Her abilities are gone, they were sealed away" snarled Alan but I ignored him for now.
"Everyone listen up" I called out glad to hear that my voice echoed out so that all of them could hear them.
"My name is Maylin Aven-Slyven, daughter to Robin Aven and Nathan Slyven and heir to both the Aven and Wolven clan that had once been called the Slyven clan" I announced, making most of the people shocked at that information.
"This fighting has gone on long enough and now look around, many people have been killed or have been injured all because of one clan that thought of the humans as livestock and wanted to kill them" I continued.
"But that is a stupid reason to fight against each other, a stupid reason to die for, we are exactly the same as humans we all bleed, we all cry, we all hate and we all love, just because we have these abilities that differ in race doesn't mean anything, instead of fighting we should be joining hands like we once did so that we may prosper and stop our children and families from dying" I finished and everyone looked at me in awe.
"Now what do you say, will you join hands with me? Let us stop these fights and bring forth a place of peace where we no longer have to lose our loved ones, where we don't have to worry for our children's lives and where people are free to love whoever they want no matter their race" I offered, my wings spreading out.
"You have my support not only because I owe you a lot but because you're my friend now and I don't want my clan, my family to be sucked into this war" Derek called with a smirk at me.
"My brother loves you more than we could have ever had guessed so you have our support as well" said Joshua and Samual nodded his head in agreement.
"Our best friend has been nuts over you since he met you and even if he wouldn't admit it until now or that anyone else could see, you changed him for the better" said Shawn with Eric and Kieran all of them smiling kindly at me.
"I knew your father, he was like my own brother and since he and your mother aren't here to look over you then I guess it falls to me to watch over you and see you forge your own path in this world of ours" smiled Michael.
"We both walk the same path hand in hand, if you actually thought you would get rid of me then you must be kidding yourself" said Charlie with his roguish smile that made me blush a little.
"This can't happen, you are nothing but a human loving traitor" snarled Elizabeth with a glare.
"Don't you dare talk about our princess like that" cried out one of the Aven clan members and the others all joined in as well.
"Okay that's enough" I called out and they went silent. Just from looking around I could tell both the Aven and Wolven clans held a lot of respect to me already just from being able to take on a full form and that I was standing up for everyone no matter their race.
"Do not think that I have forgotten what you have done? Not only did you hurt both myself and the person I love, you killed hundreds of innocent humans and creatures, for that you must be punished" I announced.
"What right do you have to think that you could punish us?" spluttered Tracey.
"I could always leave your punishment to the people who you hurt, the people whose friends and family you killed but since that goes against my very nature I have decided the punishment myself" I told them.
"Elizabeth, Alan and Tracey elders of the Aven clan, you will be stripped of both your supernatural powers and your memories of the supernatural world but do not think I am without mercy so you shall all receive fake memories and even a house each to live in and some money as well so you can live happily" I announced and you would have thought that I had sentenced them to death.
"You looked down on human-kind now you will have to live as human beings and hopefully your hearts will grow and you will learn something from it" I said quieting their protests. Michael instantly detained them so they couldn't run until the ritual would be done later for their punishment.
"We should have killed you along with your traitor Mother and scum Father" roared Alan, making even me shocked. They were the ones that had killed my parents, they were the three figures I had seen in my dream that killed my parents.
"You-" started Michael looking ready to kill them where they stood.
"It's okay Michael, I already knew that my parents had been murdered by a group of three people plus if you react the way you are thinking, they will escape a punishment that to them is worse than death" I reminded him and he nodded stepping back to take some deep breaths to calm down.
"It seems that we aren't needed here after all" said an angelic voice. When I looked towards the voice there were three newcomers one of them being Angeni and they all looked regal, like some sort of royalty. While everyone else was bowing I wasn't sure exactly how to bow in this form so I just laid down on the ground my wings tucked into my body.
"There is no need to bow, it looks like your powers awoke within you now" smiled Angeni walking up to me.
"Yes though I was nearly lost to my rage for a moment there. Everyone here pulled me back to myself, I even heard your voice Angeni and now the clans have decided to enter a treaty together" I explained to her.
"And those three? What is to become of them?" asked the angelic voice and I blinked in shock to see it was coming from one of the guys.
"They are to have their creature sides bound and their memories changed" I told them.
"That reminds me, you would not know us would you Maylin? Seeing as you are new to all of this we should introduce ourselves, I am Gregory a water dragon, and this is Daniel an angel and along with Angeni we make sure the supernatural world is running fine" smiled the man with blue skin. His hair was silver and in a braid to his knees and his eyes were golden and slit like a reptile. The other one Daniel had darker skin, luscious wavy brown hair to his shoulders, his eyes were sky blue and on his back were two large white wings.
"You don't normally come because of one of our battles" commented Michael.
"No we normally don't but Angeni called in a favour seeing as she was worried but since we aren't needed to stop the fighting we can at least lend a hand to cleaning up this mess" said Daniel sadly.
"It's going to be a long clean up with how many people have lost their lives" sighed Gregory.
"No time like the present, Daniel, would you please deal with the three elder's punishments, Gregory can help with cleaning up the bodies and the buildings, Maylin, why don't you change back to your human form and we can fully discuss this treaty" said Angeni.
"Yeah about that, I don't exactly know how to change back" I chuckled nervously.
"I'll help you out" smiled Charlie. Soon enough following Charlie's instruction I was taking deep breaths and picturing my human form, from my black hair and white skin to the glasses I wore and my amethyst eyes behind them. Soon enough I was back in my human form and I was shocked to see that while I had the rip in my clothes from the wound Elizabeth gave me the wound itself was gone. While the others helped clean up, me and Michael were speaking about the treaty and what clan would be in charge of what. Of course it would still need a lot of work to work everything out but we were at least going to go over the most important points.

"Tell me Maylin, what is your dream? What is the goal you strive towards?" asked Michael.
"Well I'm studying to be a home economics teacher at the moment and I have always wanted to be a teacher all my life so I guess that is my dream, why do you ask?" I enquired.
"As I told my wife, everyone has their own dreams that they want to fulfill and I find that a lot of people have put their dreams on hold for their clans" explained Michael.
"You want to become a teacher, Charlie wants to open his own bakery, Joshua believe it or not wants to teach self-defence and Samual wishes to write his own novels but being the clan heirs hold you guys and girl back. I do not want that to happen anymore, I want to find a way for you young ones to go out and become whatever you wish" said Michael.
"Perhaps I can help with your worries Father after all you are actually worried about what will happen to the clans when you decide to retire since you don't want to force anyone to take over" said Samual.
"I can easily write my novels and run the clan meaning no one would have to sacrifice their dreams so that the clan can continue" Samual offered.
"We could also make a council, myself, Joshua and you along with a few from my clan so if something big happens you have more then one idea and it will stop wars from happening" I said.
"Sounds good, we will iron out the details later for now I believe we should clean this mess up" Michael said and I nodded as they left to go and help with cleaning up. Looking around I couldn't help but feel upset as I saw the numerous bodies being covered with white sheets so that they could be claimed by friends or family once everything was clean up.
"Hey beautiful" smiled Charlie as he went up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist making me snap out of my thoughts.
"Hey handsome, I am glad this is over now though a lot of lives have been lost" I sighed as I lent back on him.
"So am I now we can start anew together and not be separated because of our clans. As for those that are dead, those that are dead can't come back to us but we can strive to remember them and not make the same mistakes twice" said Charlie with a smile. He was right this was a new beginning for all of us, of course this was going to be a long road to correct everything that had happened between the clans. They would also need time to get over the fact that they would have to be kind to the people that had killed family and friends but also being kind to people that they had killed the family and friends of. We would have to deal with Charlie's mother, his clan elders and May but in a way I couldn't fault May seeing as she was in love with Charlie. She had still attacked myself and hurt Charlie but that was something that could be dealt with later once everything settled down. As long as I had Charlie and our friends new and old I would be able to get through anything and everything. So much had happened to me in such a short time and since all this started I could honestly say I was glad that I was not born a normal life girl.

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