Chapter 12: Maylin

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Chapter 12, Maylin

When we got to Rose mall that we had been told the Wolven clan was meant to be attacking, I instantly took note that something was amiss. I doubted that they would only send a group of eight people to attack plus there was no one screaming, yelling or running away.
"Princess you should stay behind us, this could be a trap to get to you" said Alan with caution but I didn't really believe that. Ignoring the words I pushed past him and the rest of the Aven warriors to go up to the group.
"Excuse me, hi I just wanted to ask you what exactly you planned to do here. See we don't want to start trouble if we don't have to since there is, a lot of humans here" I explained my hands up showing that I meant them no harm.
"The scout was right, the Aven clan has come here, we can't let them proceed, take them out" yelled one of them as he swung at me but I dodged it but it gave them time to take on their Naga forms and one of them ran off.
"Wait, hold on we don't have to fight, I only want to talk to you to clear something up" I tried to explain but I knew that they wouldn't listen now and that runner was probably getting the other warriors meaning it would be another fight and more injuries and death.
"Princess, stay behind us we won't let you get hurt" ordered Tracey as the Wolven clan arrived taking their Naga forms so the Aven's took their bird forms in retaliation. This had turned chaotic in only a few seconds when all I wanted to do was clear up some misunderstandings so that we wouldn't have to fight but now we didn't have a choice in the matter.
"Attack to detain, do not kill and also make sure not to kill any of the humans they are innocent and have nothing to do with this" I ordered hoping that this would stop some of the damage that was going to occur not just to both the clans but the mall as well.
"Princess, leaving the snake scum alive would be a mistake that you will regret" warned Alan and I turned my eyes burning in determination.
"No one is to be killed, be they human or Naga, you asked me to lead and give orders to this clan well these are my orders and if you truly see me as your clan head then you will follow them" I said and he bowed his head. Looking around I was glad that they were listening by only knocking the Naga's out and half of the warriors were making sure to protect the humans from the fights. Though some of the others seemed to be hard of hearing and incapable of following orders as they critically attacked Naga's and humans so they wouldn't survive making me frown while my face went cloudy with anger. What tipped the scales over the edge was when they cut a Naga down that was right in front of me, all I could think about was that this poor person probably had a family out there waiting for him to come home.
"I told you not to attack humans and only attack to knock out, we are falling back right now" I announced my face darkening even more from both stress and disappointment.
"Maylin, perhaps we should-" started Alan but one look shot at him made him go quiet and back down.
"No, we are retreating and that is final, get everyone and make sure that you do not leave anyone behind living or dead, warriors cover the retreat before following" I said as they started to help the injured up and carrying the dead bodies.
"Princess you should go first" one of the female warriors that had an injured side commented.
"No I am not going anywhere until I know that both the injured and dead are safe" I said. I was not stupid enough to not see what they were planning to do. Since I was ordering them to knock them out instead of killing I was holding them back so they wanted me gone so that they would be able to fight to kill but I wasn't about to let that happen. Looking up my eyes connected to Charlie's eyes and I felt my heart give a large thump at seeing his eyes. Turning away I went with the last warriors to the compound wishing that this had gone the way I had wanted it to go. If it had perhaps me and Charlie wouldn't have to fight against each other, we could have probably even become friends or perhaps even more than that. Shaking my head I hoped that I wasn't blushing as I continued to walk back to the compound.

When we got back to the compound I knew that the elders weren't going to be happy with me since they would be angry that I was ignoring their advice and also that I called a retreat.
"Maylin could we perhaps talk to you alone?" Alan asked gesturing to the stairs, I knew that it wasn't a question though. Nodding I followed him, Tracey and Elizabeth up the stairs to their shared office knowing this was going to get ugly fast.
"If I may be so blunt, what exactly was that? First you gave ridiculous orders then when we were actually getting ahead of the Naga's you suddenly called for a retreat without even thinking about the rest of the clan" said Tracey with a scowl.
"Ridiculous orders? If you are talking about the no killing order, then it's not ridiculous at all unlike what you seem to be able to do, I can't in good health condemn people to death even if they are Naga's" I told them hoping that I could get this over with quickly.
"That is your job, to lead the clan and destroy the Wolven clan so that our clan can be protected and safe from those snakes" Elizabeth basically ordered me.
"You are so concerned about your own and the clan's safety that you can't even see the pile of innocent bodies that you are standing on not only bodies of Naga's but bodies of humans" I said, making them rear back in anger and shock.
"How dare you!" said Alan, shaking in anger and I could tell that he was holding himself back.
"How dare I? No how dare you! You guys are the ones pushing me to be the clan leader but then when I finally start to take the reins and become the leader myself you pounce on my ideas calling them ridiculous, you think that the Wolven and Aven clans are the only people in this world?" I demanded with a yell.
"You are just a child you don't understand anything" sneered Elizabeth.
"A child that even with all your years can see the bigger picture while you can't, yes some of us got hurt today but the Wolven clan got hurt just as much as we did but that isn't the point there is one other party you need to think about. What about the humans that died? They were innocent, all of them, they probably didn't even know about the creatures of this world. I'll tell you what happened, some of them are dead now and others got hurt for no reason" I explained with a glare.
"They are just-" started Tracey, her nose in the air and I couldn't help the growl that came out of my mouth. I had realised by now that most creatures looked down on humans but that wasn't going to happen here anymore after all I was human and was raised by humans.
"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I was you as far as I am concerned I am one of those humans and was raised by humans as well, if you truly want me as your clan leader then you will accept my no killing policy or I will leave even if I get killed because of it" I determinedly told them.
"Very well, we will understand this and we apologise we were just caught off guard we have been killing the Naga's for a long time now so we hope you will understand that it will take time to adjust and we ask you to forgive us" said Alan and I sighed my anger flowing out of me. Even though I normally didn't get angry when I did get angry it was over quickly not to say my anger was anything to scoff at sometimes I even scared myself with how fierce I could be.
"I understand you have your own views and I apologise as well for getting so worked up, I guess we are all a little unsettled from the battle and perhaps we should all turn in for the night and get some sleep" I suggested and they nodded in agreement as I turned and headed to my room. 

Entering my room I couldn't help but be thankful tomorrow would be a normal day for me, no creatures, no fighting, no clan, nothing but collage classes and teachers. At least that was what I had hoped but something was bound to happen when Charlie approached me while two classmates were asking about our last lecture since they had been at a doctors appointment they were asking me for notes.
"Sorry ladies but could I borrow Maylin for a moment?" Charlie asked smiling roguishly that could make any girl swoon, myself included but I held back from showing it.
"Of course, see you later" said one of them.
"And good luck" the other one giggled as they left us alone.
"What is it you want from me Charlie?" I asked hoping that this didn't have anything to do with the war between the clans I just wanted a normal day but since I wasn't stupid I kept my guard up.
"Is it so hard to believe that I came over to simply talk to you without some sort of ill feelings" Charlie tried but I didn't buy that at all. Before I knew about the supernatural world we had never spoken to each other though we did trade quite a few looks since I had always looked for him in crowds.
"After everything that has happened in the last few days and what is going on at the moment between the both of us then yes it is hard to believe so I'll ask again what do you want?" I demanded eyeing him to try and figure out what his motive was.
"To tell you the truth I want to get to know you and be a friend to you after all with everything that is going on you probably need a friend, someone to talk to" lied Charlie and I could tell right away that it was a lie but what caught me a little off guard was that there was a speck of hope behind it.
"Yeah for some reason I am going to have to pass on that, I am not stupid you probably want to lure me into a false friendship and then stab me in the back while I am not looking" I rejected as I got up and left him there. To tell the truth even though I knew it was a trap that would lead to my death, I wanted nothing more than to accept it and have a friendship with him but it would never work out. The words that I spoke had to be forced out of my mouth and it hurt so much that I wanted to curl into a ball after all I still had a crush on him, hoping perhaps one day we could be together even though I knew that it would never happen.

Before I knew it three weeks had come to pass me by and Charlie was still trying to become my friend every time he saw me either in class, lunch or even in the hallways, he continued to try and talk to me no matter how I rejected him. Even when we stood against each other on the battlefield each week he never really attacked front on, he kept himself back in the shadows while protecting those around him but that still didn't mean I could accept his hand of friendship since he was an enemy now. Just the thought of that made me feel sick along with leading the clan and the innocent people dying was hitting my head and my heart. My appetite had all but disappeared and I was lucky if I could get more than five hours of sleep seeing as I was still having weird dreams about Robin and Nathan. Not only that but I was also having nightmares because of the battles and the people that lost their lives. Since I was always training and studying for both my college and the supernatural world I had also lost my tan I had finally managed to get. As it was I had to take a break from my part time job since I just couldn't keep up with everything. I hoped that soon this would all end because I wasn't sure just how much longer that I could hold out before both my mind and body shut down on me. My only hope that had the possibility of coming true was that soon I would be able to have a good night's sleep or at least a few hours to myself without all this pressure on my shoulders.

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