Chapter 1: A Step Forward

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A step forward

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A step forward


A mixture of pink, yellow, and green as well.

Everything was like a pathway of pastel that colored the trees, showering the road with leaves, and the sunlight breaking through the branches. The entire city of Seoul was drowning in the beauty of Autumn. Every single thing was still so beautiful, the world continuously rotating despite the sadness and chaos going along with it. The seasons kept changing; from the leaves falling, to trees being cloaked with frozen white, to showering the city in pink, and finally being basked under the sun's warmth.

Nothing changed, everyone was still living their lives, the city was still as loud and as busy as ever. But some things change, perhaps the old playground you used to play in is now gone. Or maybe your favorite tree where you've carved your name on has been cut down. That's life, everything changes, even the slightest and littlest things change.

From being an innocent boy who used to go to school with a backpack, a heart that's beating fast, and eyes glimmering as soon as he sees that familiar brush of yellow hair amidst the crowd of chattering students; he was now a man, working and earning for himself. His wounds hiding beneath his busy schedule with that lingering crave for an oh so familiar scent still living in his heart.

He also changed. From being a mischievous boy that never liked school, a boy who fell in love at first sight with an innocent ray of sunshine that taught him everything there is when walking on a road of love and heartbreaks, and in the end, had his poor little heart smashed for countless of times; he was now someone who reached his dreams after facing battles that pulled him down to his lowest, wounds that are—little by little, step by step—healing, yet his heart still holds that first love he never wants to leave his soul.

They changed; in hair colors, in heights, their faces matured but still carved by those little details that had one saying they're still the same, and lessons that were gathered and applied have now turned them into people who knew so much about being loved and being in love.

They changed.

Beomgyu and Yeonjun have changed.

The ringing of an alarm echoed all throughout the spacious apartment, the hands of the clock indicating that it was eight in the morning—the sun was up, the city busy and loud, but he was still wrapped around the comfort of his bed. He groaned, rubbing his eyes, and turning the alarm off.


"Holy fuck, I'm late," Beomgyu immediately hopped off from his bed and quickly went inside the bathroom, leaving his bed in a complete mess. The sound of shower could be heard, followed by a loud "Cold! Why is it so cold?!", and quick footsteps. Beomgyu just grabbed his favorite yellow and black shirt paired with the same colors of striped long sleeves, his pants, and of course, his gray hoodie.

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