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The dark night soon came once the sun had already set from the horizon. The sky was gloomy and black, stars were shining behind the ghost of clouds that traveled the heavens like ships. The streets were empty as it was already past 12 in the morning, half an hour close to one. However, in the midst of those quiet roads and dark alleys, footsteps could be heard ascending the stairs.

Taehyun took slow and careful steps on the staircases, his white coat laid neatly over his wrist with a bag on the other. He was too used to coming home this late, sometimes, he doesn't come home to their condominium unit at all.

This was why he wouldn't let Huening Kai wait for him outside the hospital or at home. Sometimes, Huening Kai would be outside the hospital waiting for him. And more often than not, he'd be inside their condominium — wide awake while waiting for him in the living room. Taehyun didn't want that. Huening Kai needed sleep after working all day in the office. Paperwork was already too much for him, he needed rest.

After unlocking the door, the beeping sound echoed through the halls and Taehyun sighed when he walked in. He kicked off his shoes and closed the entrance. Taehyun groggily made his way to the dim-lighted living room and threw his things on the couch.

However, as his gaze made its way through the moonlight-covered room, his eyes then caught sight of a sleeping figure on the sofa. All curled up into a ball while snoring softly. The weight on Taehyun's shoulder was immediately lifted and he held a deep breath in.

"Kai..." muttered Taehyun, he sat on the floor in front of Huening Kai and stared at him. The younger male was peacefully sleeping on the sofa, a plushie clutched closely to his chest.

Taehyun pushed his sleeves back and looked at the time on his wristwatch, it was now exactly one in the morning. Taehyun's gaze shifted towards the window and saw that the moon's rays came crawling down their floor.

With this, Taehyun was about to stand up in an attempt to pull the curtains when he felt a loose grip around his hand.

"Tyun..." Kai rasped out, he rubbed his eyes and stared at Taehyun with a sleepy gaze.

Taehyun's chest tightened at that, "I'm home."

"You sure are," Kai smiled, "Have you eaten yet? I can heat up something for you to eat."

Bloom Again (When Love Is Whole) | BEOMJUNWhere stories live. Discover now