Chapter 4: Hesitant

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Days and days have passed. Nothing ever changed within those days and nights that continuously went on like the normal and usual days. The city was still busy and loud, the crowds of people occupying the streets both day and night, and the autumn leaves still drowning the city in orange and tranquility that came along with its tall trees and dried leaves.

Yeonjun was still as busy as ever with his modeling career, a lineup of magazines and brands waiting for his pictures to be pasted in papers and shown to the world. It was a big job that required a lot of confidence and trust for himself, his face would be found around the streets and buildings. A passerby would see his picture on the cover of a magazine. Nonetheless, he loved his career. He has fun doing it. It doesn't seem like a job at times.

Beomgyu was focused on his film directing tasks and responsibilities. Checking and correcting the scripts, leading the artists, the filming, the directing, and above all, having the patience and attitude to keep up with the stress and frustrations he frequently faces given the fact that his job required him to show forbearance in every task.

However, Beomgyu was human too. He gets fed up, he gets tired, he gets overwhelmed and stressed. The piled-up responsibilities and everyday tasks were starting to take a toll on him. Don't get him wrong, he loves his job. He could never imagine himself doing another career. But there are just circumstances in life that result in you hating something you used to be so passionate about.

The world is that cruel. It sucks out the love you have for something if you don't hold on to it tightly. But there would also be instances when holding on for too long can drain you as well. We all just need a little break too. To unwind and getaway.

But Beomgyu never had the chance to have that. He's always been busy. He's always at work. Every day, for countless times, everyone was always reminding him to take it easy and think of himself too. It was a daily reminder. Yet he repeatedly ignored that, and soon enough, that will become a part of him.

A person who keeps on forgetting about himself.

Bags were underneath his sleepy eyes, yawns escaping his lips every now and then, and his raven hair was a bit disheveled. He groggily walked into the room where a photoshoot was being held, a photoshoot of both Hyunjin and Yeonjun together with a female model for a magazine.

No one really noticed him because everyone was busy with the picture taking. Beomgyu could even hear the photographer pleasingly complimenting the models while taking pictures of them.

Yet he really just came here to look for one person. Beomgyu looked around the room, and the place was packed with a few people. It wasn't hard to find that specific person he badly needs to talk to.

"Chan Hyung," he called for the elder when he saw him by the corner talking with a few staff.

Chan turned to look at the stressed boy, "Hey," he smiled. Then soon after, he furrowed his brows, "What happened to you? You look like you just lost the lottery." Chan chuckled which caused Beomgyu to smack him on the arm albeit weakly.

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