Chapter 11: History Repeats

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History Repeats

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History Repeats

Spring was still blooming; cherry blossoms roaming the streets like birds that flew freely amidst the skies. The clouds were scattered around the blue; the city was crowded with people; everyone had their own lives while spring continued to come like melodies from the trees.

Yeonjun was in the lounge together with Hyunjin and Wooyoung, they stayed seated on the blue sofa — it was lunch break anyway, they had time to talk about things they wanted to plan for. They have been stressed and packed up because of work, a little vacation by the waves won't be too much to ask for, right? Besides, the guys deserve it; it's the least they could do for themselves.

"You have to make up your mind," Yeonjun interrupted the two's endless bickering, "Are we going to the beach or not? Y'all decided already," he rolled his eyes as he leaned against the sofa.

The skin between Hyunjin's brows creased, "It's Wooyoung Hyung, he keeps suggesting other places to have a vacation in. He's the one who can't make up his mind." Hyunjin raised an accusing finger towards Wooyoung who scoffed.

"I'm just suggesting other possible places just in case you guys would also like it," Wooyoung defended himself, his voice rising in tone a little while looking at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin sighed dramatically, "Well, we don't want to spend a vacation in any of the other places you mentioned. The beach is actually a nice spot already." Hyunjin looked at Yeonjun, "Right, Yeonjun Hyung?"

"I'm cool with anything as long as there's food," Yeonjun shrugged, he bent closer to his knees and placed his elbows atop them, "And yeah, the beach is cool too. I mean, we'll be inviting my brother and friends too. It's a place big enough for all of us."

"Oh," Wooyoung suddenly flashed out a teasing grin, Hyunjin did the same, "Are you going to invite Beomgyu to our little getaway this weekend?" He nudged the pink-haired boy with a smirk. Yeonjun could only roll his eyes, yet his red ears were betraying his attempt of denying anything.

"I don't know," Yeonjun shrugged, "It's not like I know if he's busy or anything." He chuckled while looking at them. Wooyoung and Hyunjin only raised their brows with a look of disinterest written all over their faces. Yeonjun chose to ignore them, besides, what he said was true. Heck, he doesn't even know where the little one was right now.

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