Chapter 10: Yeonjun's Letter

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Yeonjun's Letter

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Yeonjun's Letter

(Can we go back to the days our love was strong?)

Beomgyu held the notebook in his hands, the silence of his room caused him to drift away from reality as he stared at the piece of paper. The thin and soft paper that had Yeonjun's handwriting all over it; Beomgyu stared at them with a hand moving over the sheet. The city lights continued to glimmer behind him through the glass windows, the noise muffling away slowly as he continued to flip the pages one by one.

Then after a few more minutes of scanning through it, he finally settled on the first page and read the very first line after the date of when he wrote it; the letter was written after their last encounter. Beomgyu breathed heavily.

"How have you been?"

Not well, Beomgyu wanted to answer. Ever since they drifted away from each other, he felt alone — he felt hopeless, shallow. What was there to feel when the person with whom you've experienced every kind of emotion was no longer in the comfort of your arms?

"Honestly, I haven't really moved on yet — maybe I've accepted it, but I still know that deep within me, I still love you. I just learned to accept how things ended for the both of us, but really now, is it really the end when I'm still loving you and hurting because of you?"

If only Yeonjun knew that even Beomgyu himself couldn't accept all the mistakes and wrong decisions he made throughout their relationship; he kept a lot of stuff a secret, left with no proper farewell, pushed Yeonjun away, and broke the innocent view he had for love. Beomgyu thought he had already moved on from it, but every time he remembered it, there's still that heavy feeling in his heart that he just couldn't bring himself to carry — he did so much to Yeonjun, both good and bad, yet Yeonjun never seemed to hate him for that.

Beomgyu stayed still on his bed as he went on and on with reading one page, and so far, with the quiet city right behind him, he noticed how Yeonjun kept talking about their very beginning and everything that happened after their first encounter. And for some reason, Beomgyu remembered all those times again; he remembered how innocent and unaware they were. If only he could go back in time and tell his past self not to do the mistakes he did which led them to where they were now.

But things happen and they can't do anything about the past now.

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