Chapter 3: The poem's title is his name

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The poem's title is his name

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The poem's title is his name

Drowning in orange leaves, engulfed with the Autumn breeze, the city is still loud and busy as it always is. The morning sky was beautifully painted in blue, white clouds complimenting the pastel color around it. Noises from cars and buses, muffled chatterings, and loud footsteps from outside the café could be heard. The café was not so packed today, perhaps because it's already lunch time and it's usually just crowded during breakfast.

It's 12:05 in the afternoon, since it's not that filled with people inside, the owners' Lia and Soobin can relax and just sit down on a table together with Yeonjun who visited them. Soobin and Lia were talking, giggling and teasing each other like they always do. And Yeonjun, who really just wanted to stop by and eat in peace, would glance at them from time to time.

Lia stared at her ring, "Two years from now," she mumbled with a smile. Soobin loved the sight, Lia has always been so beautiful that he would lose track of time and end up staring at her with those loving eyes that hold so much adoration and sparkles for Lia.

Soobin gently held her hand and brushed his finger against the ring, "Two years from now, we'll get married," the boy smiled and Lia couldn't help but lean her head on Soobin's shoulder. "Yeah, but right now, I'm just so happy to be with you." Lia heaved a sigh of relief, she played with Soobin's finger while the boy just rested his cheek on top of Lia's head.

Yeonjun couldn't help but coo at the sight, he took a sip from his glass of water and grinned at them. "And I'm surprised that the both of you actually lasted this long," Yeonjun grabbed a piece of chocolate bread, "You two are always bickering and you always look like you're ready to pull each other's hair but I guess..." Yeonjun chuckled and ate his chocolate bread, "... that's your love language."

Soobin laughed at this and Lia sat up while giggling, "It's just fun to tease her, you know," Soobin pinched Lia's cheeks and the girl slapped his hand away with her eyebrows furrowed. Soobin cooed at the sight, "See," he pointed at Lia's face while looking at Yeonjun with the widest smile ever.

The girl couldn't help but roll her eyes, "You're unbelievable."

"Anyways," Yeonjun shook his head with a titter, "I'm happy for you, though," the elder said while smiling at Soobin. "I'm glad you're happy too," Yeonjun sounded like he was babying Soobin, the younger male chuckled at his words and nodded, "Thanks, Hyung."

Yeonjun would always baby his younger brother, Soobin. They always had each other's back even when they were still kids, they're pretty much best friends now, too. And seeing his only brother happy in the arms of someone who treats him right and with care, he can never ask for anything else. He may not always say it, but Soobin's happiness is his happiness as well.

"You're sounding so cheesy right now," Soobin teased him with his lips pouting, Yeonjun frowned, "Hey, I don't always say things like this so be happy that I'm still shameless around you."

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