Chapter 9: All Too Well

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All Too Well

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All Too Well

All too well.

When the memories mean a lot to you, you remember them all too well — you've got them memorized, carved in the back of your mind like you've made them your own. And that's why some people just can't seem to erase those times away from their minds because they hold a lot — mean a lot, they remember them all too freaking well.

Yeonjun could still remember the way he ran his fingers through Beomgyu's soft hair, stroking and ruffling them gently as the younger male leaned against the crook of his neck. He could still feel the same warmth and safety he used to drown in every time he had Beomgyu in his arms while lying on the bed — not minding their surroundings, allowing the world's noise to muffle away as if they were lowering the volume and only listened to each other's heartbeat.

The way his hands would crawl down to Beomgyu's waist while the younger male was straddling him, and slowly, with feather-like touches — Yeonjun's hands would slip under his shirt and Beomgyu would giggle into his ear. Yeonjun still remembered that feeling all too well; Beomgyu's warm breath caressing the skin under his ear as he continued to run his fingers under his clothes — resting them on Beomgyu's hips and leaning over to kiss his lips.

Yeonjun still remembered how it felt like to wake up in a sunny morning with the city loud and intoxicated with pollution, yet having Beomgyu's face to be the first thing he sees as soon as his eyes flutter open — it felt fresh, it felt complete; Yeonjun would kiss Beomgyu on the forehead and pull him in for a tight hug.

All too well.

He could still remember each part of that everything.

What's your favorite season?

Is it Spring? The time when you can just walk down the streets while admiring the blossoming trees?

Or is it Autumn? When you can just roll on the ground with the dead leaves rustling underneath you.

Maybe it's Summer? The days when you can feel the sun's golden ray painting you in orange as you smile towards the blue sky.

Yeonjun would perhaps choose Winter, though. He didn't know why, but there was just something about the silence and cold that still felt like home to him.

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