Chapter 2: You always come first

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You always come first

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You always come first


A step closer.

That’s all Beomgyu could think of. From the moment he woke up, Yeonjun’s words kept echoing inside his mind (along with a very terrible headache, how was that even possible? He didn’t even drink much), he couldn’t understand what the elder’s intentions were for the closure, does it mean they’re friends again?

He didn’t know why but he felt a pang in his chest, friends? Beomgyu sighed and got ready for work. The little one went inside the shower, allowing the water to soak him as he held his chin high with his eyes closed. The water was warm today, he liked it.

“So, we’re friends now?” Yeonjun asked with his smile not fading away.

Beomgyu was hesitant. He stared at Yeonjun for a while, contemplating his answer. Friends? Was he fine with that? To be friends with someone he’s been in love with for years? He thinks it would be fine now, they needed to move on anyway. Too many things have happened, they need a fresh start.

“Yeah…” a string of breath, “friends,” he smiled.

Beomgyu heaved a sigh as he leaned against the tiled wall with the water still running down. “Friends,” he mumbled with heaviness, Beomgyu brushed his hair up and nodded, “Yeah, friends.”

However, the boy still felt awfully frustrated right now. Something itchy was scratching his chest, he didn’t like the feeling of it. He wanted to sigh over and over again, or maybe scream, or punch the wall—anything to get rid of this annoying feeling.

That annoying feeling brought by only one person that has been bugging his thoughts ever since last night.

“Choi freaking Yeonjun!” Beomgyu screamed out of frustration and turned off the shower with his breathing loud and deep.

While Yeonjun, who was inside a café, sneezed out of nowhere while ordering a cup of hot coffee. “Oh my god,” Yeonjun rubbed his nose. The lady behind the cashier looked at him with worry, “You good?” she raised a brow.

Yeonjun nodded awkwardly, “Yes, thank you.” Someone must be talking shit about me right now, what the fuck?

After dressing up, Beomgyu immediately took his bag and left. He didn’t have the appetite to eat breakfast right now, his head was still throbbing with pain. Guess he couldn’t handle alcohol that well even if he would only drink a glass or two.

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