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"What the heck did you just say?"

Lia raised a brow, she placed her hands on her hips as she looked at Soobin with squinted eyes. She could not believe what she just heard, but she wanted Soobin to repeat it before completely getting mad. The boy only gulped and held her by the shoulders, "Calm down and please just listen to me."

"I'm all ears," Lia pushed her hair back and sat on the living room couch. The aura around her face just made matters worse for Soobin, he was already nervous by telling her this, now he has to do it all over again. What a great day for him.

"Look," Soobin sighed and avoided her piercing gaze, "I'm gonna sell the café."

"I dare you to repeat that while looking me in the eye," Lia poked the insides of her cheeks. She was trying to calm herself down before breaking out of her unfazed state.

Soobin whined while looking at her, "You're mad, aren't you?"

"Ya think?" Lia scoffed and stood up, "You just made a damn decision without asking me. Do you think I'll be happy about that?"

Before Soobin could even speak, Lia already cut off his attempt, "Save it. I'm going out or else, I won't be able to stop myself from shoving a whole ass cake inside your mouth."

The lady walked past him, Soobin brushed his hair up in frustration and turned to chase after her. "Lia, please just listen to me first," Soobin tried to grab her hand but his fiancé was really furious right now that she shoved his hand away.

"Lia," Soobin called again, they were now walking down the stairs with Lia's heels echoing through the halls. Her steps were loud and heavy — enough to make Soobin sweat in fear.

"Come on, don't be like this. At least listen to what I have to say—"

"No, you listen!" Lia turned around, her eyes were glistening with tears which caused Soobin to freeze on his spot. This was the first time he saw her cry, he didn't know what to do — did he really hurt her? Soobin bit his lip as guilt started to eat him up.

"You didn't even bother asking me about this, you just decided to sell the café! The place where we have been working in for years. Soobin, am I not important to you?" Lia's voice almost started to tremble in anger, but Soobin could feel the disappointment stabbing his throat.

"No, don't say that," Soobin slowly walked up to her, "It's just...your say in this is really important, but I just..."

"You just what?" Lia spat, her hands pushing Soobin's away.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm selling it so we can buy that other available café you loved," the tone of Soobin's voice lowered, "I just...wanted to surprise you. I guess it was wrong of me to make decisions without you."

Lia stared at him with unreadable eyes. Although, she won't deny the fact that she felt her chest tighten at what the boy said. She heaved a sigh and walked closer to him. Lia brought her hand up to caress Soobin's cheek and said, "It's...it's okay."

"I just hope that next time you won't make any decisions without me, especially about this kind of thing," she held her other hand up to rub his ear, Soobin really loved the feeling, "And I...what do you mean the café I loved?"

Soobin sniffled before looking down, "You know...that big café with a mountain view. The one that was for sale."

Lia pouted. Soobin was always so sweet and gentle towards her, he could be childish and foolish at times, but she won't deny that she loved him so much. Lia could tell that Soobin was trying, and she appreciated that. So much. More than words could ever convey.

And no matter how many times Soobin may annoy or anger her, those will never be a reason to leave him. The same goes to Soobin. They have been together for years — years that felt like a single touch of souls that spent the rest of their walks together. Hand in hand. The grasp never loosened though. It only got tighter and tighter and tighter.

Lia could never let go of the warmth that kept her sane.

And Soobin would never replace the stars in Lia's eyes for a whole moon.

"I'm sorry I lashed out," Lia whispered while resting her head on Soobin's chest. She could feel his heartbeat. It sounded pleasant.

Soobin placed a hand at the back of her head, "And I'm sorry for making you cry. I know how much the café means to you."

Lia slowly wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her face deeper into the fabric of Soobin's clothes, "You mean a lot more to me. I won't be able to bring the café with me, but I'll have you."

"I'll choose you," Lia said under her breath, but Soobin would never miss a sound.

"In a heartbeat," Soobin continued and rested his chin upon her head.

"In every lifetime," Lia finished with a warm smile as she let Soobin's chest serve as her pillow and Soobin's hands as the duvet.

They were always so cheesy and light with each other; throwing pick-up lines like it was an everyday usual thing for them. However, of course, despite all the bliss they may feel — the times when they'd fight and cry would never let them go without shedding at least a teardrop.

But it's what made them stronger.

Because no matter what happens, they know that when one turns around in an attempt to walk away, the other will always be there to pull them back.

Before the rainbow,
There will be rain
We might go low;
We might experience pain
But I will always choose you
Through grey, yellow, and blue,
Because you are the rainbow after the storm
And you are my only home.

✿ I'll Choose You 

[a/n]: i'd like everyone to know that i do not ship these two people irl and only used the dynamics i have built with a bit of their personalities for this story. :)

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