Chapter 12: Near The Sunset

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Near The Sunset

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Near The Sunset

Friday afternoon came; the week passed by like a blur — like a gust of wind that hit your face and when you opened your eyes, there's a whole new sunrise in front of you, golden and bright. Beomgyu liked to think that time ticked by quickly enough for it to reach Friday. And today was the day when they'll be having a little vacation on the beach; it almost seemed like the best was saved for last. Beomgyu couldn't wait.

So, he quickly packed his bags that were enough to last him for at least three days. Wooyoung and the others told him that they'll be staying by the shore for the whole weekend so he ended up packing enough stuff.

The boy was already in his clothes: a plain white shirt and checkered pants. He walked inside the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush, then seconds after, he was brushing his teeth while looking at the mirror. It was currently five minutes to 4:30, he still had time.

And suddenly, there came a few knocks on his door. Beomgyu raised a brow and walked towards the entrance with his brush still shoved inside his mouth. He didn't really care, he just pulled the knob and when he was met by a boy with pink hair — the little one ended up shutting the door again with wide eyes.

"Gyu," Yeonjun called with a chuckle, "Don't be shy, I've seen you brush your teeth before. It's not a big deal."

Beomgyu rolled his eyes dramatically, it's not about that. It was about the fact that he still couldn't remove the thought of kissing the living daylights out of Yeonjun again, it was starting to drown Beomgyu, so he wanted to control himself as much as possible.

"Come on," Yeonjun knocked on the door again, "I'm here to pick you up. The others are already on their way to the beach."

With no other choice left, Beomgyu turned to open the door and immediately walked back into the bathroom. Yeonjun couldn't hold back a snicker as he welcomed himself inside Beomgyu's apartment. He could still remember how cozy and simple Beomgyu's apartment was yet it still looked pretty, much like the owner himself.

Yeonjun sat on the sofa with a small groan before speaking, "Gyu, are you done yet? Your teeth will melt if you keep brushing it for the next few minutes!"

Inside the bathroom, Beomgyu had just finished brushing his teeth. He scoffed and washed his hands, "You are so dramatic! I just finished."

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