Chapter 7: Petrichor

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Beomgyu just wanted to drop everything right now and run across the streets, scream, roll down a slope, and bump into people he doesn't know. He wanted to dance around the empty corners of the world, maybe spin under the pouring rain — he wanted to do everything as if he were in a daze, slowly as the lights went down like the sunset. Beomgyu wanted to go wild, wanted to feel something berserk inside his chest, he wanted to see the stars like it was the first time. He wanted to do the things he's never done before in the most careless and reckless way possible. What's life without a little adventure? What's life?

But all those will stay as plans in the blurry future for now.

For now, Beomgyu will take tiny — little steps into freedom. They say you should always start with small things, start with taking a cup of coffee that you never wanted to taste — or maybe, you can start off by eating a piece of cake you always tried to avoid your whole life. Big things start off small, big things take time to be built — and so, Beomgyu starts off with the things he's always been so selfless about.

Beomgyu started off by going back to work, tried to be a bit more considerate and calm. He'll lose hair if he keeps getting annoyed over anything. He takes breaks now, maybe for half an hour or more, he will. Tried. But it was still progressing in its own way. It was hard, so terribly foreign, but Beomgyu was trying his best.

And god, did it feel good. So, so good. Beomgyu has never felt so refreshed and light during work. Maybe all he needed was a strong and hard push to make him realize, to make him see just what he's missing out on because he keeps pulling himself back. It was an unhealthy cycle for him, it didn't do his well-being any good but old habits will stay — yet, Beomgyu was doing best.

And Yeonjun noticed that. Vividly and obviously. It was no secret anyway. Beomgyu's beaming smile can literally send him to his knees. They pass by each other on the hallways every now and then, and Yeonjun would always notice that small curve on the end of Beomgyu's thin lips; to say that it made Yeonjun's heart skip a beat would be an understatement. It did more. When did he last see that pair of strawberries genuinely smile?

It's been so long.

Beomgyu was trying his best.

And Yeonjun saw that.

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