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"Ooyu jo-a, Ooyu jo-a, Ooyu jooseyo!"

Yeonjun released another deep breath, he looked at Beomgyu with furrowed brows before unbuckling his seatbelt, "Can you please stop singing that already?"

"Oh jooseyo!" Beomgyu yelled at his face, Yeonjun looked at him in disbelief and hopped out of the car. They just got home (in Yeonjun's house) after a little party they had with the others. It was past 11 in the evening and Beomgyu was being a total handful right now for Yeonjun.

He's been annoyed ever since Beomgyu started getting talkative while drinking earlier. The younger male told him he won't drink much and that he could handle himself, but now, Beomgyu was here: sinking in the car seat as he kept singing some song that Yeonjun was starting to get annoyed with.

"Ooyu~" Beomgyu continued to sing at the top of his lungs, Yeonjun rolled his eyes and opened the car door for him. "Get out, and please, stop singing. You just drank more than five bottles and you're singing about milk?" Yeonjun scowled at him but Beomgyu stuck his tongue out with dazed eyes.

The stars were present in Beomgyu's eyes as his bangs covered them. His checkered sleeves were falling loosely on his shoulders, and his head laid lazily on the backrest. Yeonjun didn't know what to feel at the moment.

"What's so wrong with that?" Beomgyu pouted and stretched his arms out, "Help me get up. For the first time, my world's spinning and it's not because of you."

Yeonjun wanted to chuckle, he really wanted to, but Beomgyu needed to get up because it's freaking cold outside and he was drunk. "You're a handful," Yeonjun poked the insides of his cheek and gently pulled Beomgyu out of the car.

With wobbly legs, Beomgyu stood weakly on the grass. He almost fell, but Yeonjun was there to hold him steady. Yeonjun kicked the car door for it to close and brought Beomgyu's arm around his neck.

Beomgyu whined, "No, I don't need this! I can walk by myself!" the younger male gave him a worn-out push which barely moved Yeonjun at all. The elder male's shoulders dropped in frustration as he watched Beomgyu glare at him while walking away.

"Sure," Yeonjun raised a brow as he spoke with a defeated voice. Beomgyu kept swaying and swaying, he'd stop for a moment, then he'd continue walking. Yeonjun looked at him with pity. When he couldn't handle watching him sway in one place for a good minute now, he heaved a long sigh while walking towards him.

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