Chapter 6: Exes Rechecked

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Exes Rechecked

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Exes Rechecked

Autumn was slowly ending — bit by bit, with every falling leaf — it was slowly losing its color. The color red seemed a little less vibrant, a little less whole. The season will always start out bright, start out so red, maybe a hint of orange too in its hidden corners. Autumn begins with the leaves making their fall just before they lose it all.

And Beomgyu wasn't so sure about what he'll do now, the words Yeonjun had said a few days ago were still stuck inside his head — echoing and repeating inside his preoccupied mind. What did Yeonjun mean?

It all felt like Yeonjun just pushed him down a free fall without giving him time to think, an endless weightless fall with so many questions but Beomgyu still went on descending.

"When you've learned to love and cherish each of your petals, let's bloom again. Together." Beomgyu tried to understand, he has always been a person who knew how heavy the weights words can really carry — people frequently told him how beautiful his words are, how different his views about the world are — Beomgyu was just so new, like a breath of fresh air. But this time, he just couldn't breathe those words in. They were immense.

Beomgyu released a sigh, he closed the convenience store's fridge after grabbing a bottle of grape juice. When he was about to walk away, Beomgyu was suddenly greeted by a pair of brown eyes.

They looked at each other. One was holding a bottle of violet while the other held chips in his hands.

"Beomgyu Hyung," the younger male called, voice a little breathy.

"Taehyun, what are you doing here?" Asked Beomgyu with a raised brow, a hand buried inside the pocket of his fluffy jacket colored with auburn.

A sigh came, a bit hefty, before Taehyun shrugged and opened the fridge too, "I was just frustrated over work, so I came here to buy something I can eat. Haven't had any convenience store food since forever."

Beomgyu hummed as he leaned against the cold glass door of the other fridge, "Where's Hyuka?"

"At home, he's asleep." Taehyun responded with a small chuckle, he grabbed a can of coke and closed the cooler.

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