Chapter 13: Can We Kiss Some More?

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Can We Kiss Some More?

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Can We Kiss Some More?

The sun had already set; the sky was now swallowed by darkness. There were stars glistening in the heavens, the glow they possessed was reflected on the calm waves as the fresh smell of the sea lingered with the cold wind. Beomgyu breathed in. The smell of the ocean was strong yet soft in his nose; the scent tasted simple yet unique in a way. Beomgyu couldn't quite point out what it was specifically, whether it smelled like fish or salt. But surely enough, Beomgyu loved the smell.

Past seven in the evening, the others were now seated outside with a grill and a container of meat placed on the table. Lia, Huening Kai, and Hyunjin were all in their seats while talking with each other. On the other hand, Yeonjun and the remaining four were by the grill — preparing everything so they could start cooking.

Even though Beomgyu didn't know anything about cooking (heck, he doesn't know anything about the kitchen), he still wanted to help them. He followed what Yeonjun was telling him, be it: grabbing a utensil, or a piece of meat, or just watching the elder male cook.

With the given chance, Beomgyu could stare at the way Yeonjun looks while cooking, it was a cute sight: Yeonjun's brows were furrowed, nose scrunched up, lips pouty, and his entire focus would be on the meat and nothing but the meat. There were a few packs of ramen too, Beomgyu guessed they're for Yeonjun.

"Gyu," Yeonjun called, his eyes still fixed on the griller, "Hand me over the scissors," he lent out his hand without even sparing the younger male a glance.

Despite growing bored because he was only being bossed around, Beomgyu still followed and gave Yeonjun the scissors. He pouted, "Hyung, I wanna try grilling the meat too."

Yeonjun chuckled while cutting the meat into smaller pieces, "It's fine, Gyu. It'll finish faster if I cook them."

"But Hyung," Beomgyu stepped closer to him with a frown, "Just a few pieces of meat, please? It's boring to just stand here and watch you."

"Why?" Yeonjun finally looked at him with a sly smile, Beomgyu wished he never spared him a glance now. "Don't you like watching me?"

"Ah, come on," Beomgyu dramatically scoffed while rolling his eyes, "Can't you just let me cook? I'm not gonna burn it or anything. I've watched you long enough to know how it's done."

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