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After dinner Khairee was about to leave to her room when her aunts phone suddenly started ringing

"Umma left her phone" Aamir said

"I'll take it to her" Khairee took the phone and headed to Ammar's room.

The door was slightly opened and before she could grab the handle and push it further she heard her name being called

"Khairee" Ammar said in a soft hesitant voice.

"What?" Her aunt questioned in a higher than usual tone "Which Khairee, the one in this house?"

Khairee released the knob and stood there contemplating on what to do, standing there and listening means eavesdropping which is obviously bad however if she decided to leave quietly then curiosity is definitely going to be the death of her especially since her name was mentioned. So she went with the former thankfully the phone has stopped ringing a while ago.

"You mean all this while you've been taunting her is actually because you liked her?"

What, who likes who? Khairee pressed her ear to the door

"If they say Ahsan loves Khairee I won't be surprise at all, but you...I can't believe you. Who mistreat a girl because they like her Ammar, who......" The rest became a blur in khairee's ear.

All that echoes in her head right now is one sentence

Ammar likes her

How is that even possible? Ammar of all people

She gasped quickly closing my mouth with both my palms, No this cant happen. Khairee quickly ran upstairs with so much bulked up in her head.

This is something she shouldn't have heard

No, this is something that is impossible.

Back in her room, Khairee couldnt focus on her book, she's having a very tough exam tomorrow but she just can't pay attention.

Few minutes later the door to her room creaked open revealing her aunt. Her heart skipped, what if she's here to tell her about Ammar.

Then what about Omar Farouq?

And their love?

"Khairee my Dear" Hajiya Asiya called

Khairee forced a smile "Y-yes Umma" she stuttered.

Can she agree to her aunts quest?

"Are you reading?" Khairee nodded

Silence reign for a moment, and the tension in the air cannot be unheeded

Could this be it?

"Keep reading then, Allah ya bada sa'a" She turned to leave

Khairee released the breathe she didnt know she was holding and just when she was about to turn back to her book, Umma turned back again

Khairee's breath hitched again, at this rate she might have a seizure

"By the way.." she flashed Khairee with her nicest smile, and before she could finish her line Khairee started coughing vigorously.

"Subhanallah" Hajiya Asiya rushed to Khairee "Are you okay?" She gently patted her back

"I'm fine" Khairee assured "I just choked on my saliva"

"Sorry dear" Hajiya offered her a cup of water that she saw on the chest drawer "Drink this, you will feel better"

She gulped it all down and handed the cup back to her aunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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