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Omar farouq stared at the door for some seconds before ringing the door bell at the same time knocking on the door. He waited for another few seconds before the door was gently opened. It was her.

"Welcome" she said giving him space to come into the living room.

"Thank you" he anwered stepping into his sister's living room. Khairee smiled inwardly, she doesn't know why but she's happy to see him even though he's not here for her but for Umm Rafeeq.

"Are you going to stand there all day? " she heard his familiar voice intruding into her thought. She turned immediately and greeted him which he answered happily

"Where's Muhibba? " He asked sitting down on one of the couch after dropping his keys on the center table.

"She's in the nursery, I will inform her of your arrival right away"

"Yes please" he nodded impressively what a polite way of talking for a young girl like her  he thought.

Khairee entered the nursery with a salaam, she met Muhibba changing Rafeeq's diaper. When they heard the doorbell rang they were both in the nursery's bathroom, Muhibba was bathing Rafeeq and she was watching and learning. So she was told to go and check who it was.

"Umm Rafeeq It's....." she started but trailed on the realization that she doesn't even know his name.

"who is it" Muhibba enquired

"It's Your bro.. ther" she guessed unsure if she's right or wrong.

"My brother?" she said surprise written all over her face "Omar Farouq is here?, but Ummi didn't tell me she was sending him today" She said to herself.

Omar farouq is his name, but why is she so surprised to see him.

Khairee just stood there wondering why she was surprised to hear that her brother is here, isn't it a normal thing for a brother to visit his married sister.

May be it's different here in the 'city'

"Take him" She said handing little Rafeeq to Khairee. She held him firmly to her chest before following Muhibba to the living room.

"Whoah! look who's here" Muhibba states immediately she step her foot on the parlour's tiles.

"Assalamu alaikum" Omar farouq said instead, ignoring her comment.

"Wa'alaikumus salam wa rahmatullah" she answered sitting down on the couch next to him. While khairee sat down on the couch at the end of the room.

"How are you?" Omar farouq inquired

"Am fine Alhamdulillah, and you?" She answered smiling widely

"Alhamdulillah" he said smiling back "bring him here Khair" he added setting his eyes on them. Khairee concealed the smile that was threaten to display on her lips. It was a smile of contentment he still remember the name 'khair'! . She took the baby to him placing him on his hands.

"Bring something for our guest here Khairee" Muhibba ordered which khairee carried out right away.

"So Omar farouq to what do I owe this visit" she asked

"Do I need to have a reason to visit my lovely elder sister"

"Oh No you don't need to have a reason, but considering the fact that you don't visit this lovely elder sister on your own accord expect for carrying out Ummi's errand. I doubt if there isn't a reason behind it". She stated while Khairee dropped a tray which consist of a Can of sprite and a plates of chocolate cookies.

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