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On reaching the door, khairee inhaled deeply before knocking on the door. She waited for an answer but none came, she hesitated on opening the door because she knows Ammar's territory is a no go area for her. For the past six years khairee lived in that house, she can count how many times she's seen through Ammar's room.

She knocked on the door for the second time but no answer came. So Khairee made up her mind to just go in and dropped the food if no one is the room. She turned on the door knob and pushed the door in, before she could step into the room Ammar stood by the door.

"Since when did you start entering places without out permission" He hissed at her.

"I knocked but no one answered" Khairee stuttered.

"Give me" He outstretched his hand,  khairee passed over the plate to him. She tried to peek through the room and take a glance at the guy Billy mentioned earlier but Ammar's broad shoulder wanted otherwise. She haven't seen this guy but for some reasons her heart kept pounding hard against her chest.

Who could he be?

"Can I help you?" Ammar asked when he noticed she have no intention of leaving anytime soon.

"No" Khairee shook her head, she turned around and left disappointed.

"You're still being hard on your siblings?" Omar Farouq said after Ammar closed the door and walked back into the room.

Ammar handed the plate of food to Omar Farouq which he collected with a soft 'thanks' "That's the only way to avoid disrespect" Ammar sat down on the couch adjacent to Omar Farouq who was sitting by the edge of the bed.

"You know sometimes being the eldest isn't all about being respected, it's about love, friendship and the respect too. Create a bond that will last between you all and make them look up to you as their role model." Omar Farouq voiced out

"Hmmm! Lets just keep that topic for another day. What is the important thing you wanted to talked about?"

"Oh this food is so good it almost made me forget what brought me here"

"Anyway I wanted us to discuss what we should do for Hafiz for his marriage" Omar Farouq said.

"Yeah! The date is coming closer as time goes by" Ammar agreed

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"No...not sure" Ammar scratched the back of his head.

"should we give him some money  to support him, you know how money consuming wedding is"

"Erhm you're right, but I don't think financial support is the only thing hafeez needed right now. He needs some emotional support too, I can see how he's freaking out."

Omar Farouq couldn't help but agree with his friend, Hafeez is really freaking out over the whole marriage issue.

"Okay so here's a suggestion, let's put together some money, give him half of it cash, and then use the other half to organise a small bachelor party for him to cheer him up and to assure him that no matter what happen, we are in it together, he always have our backs and that we have his" Omar Farouq suggested, by that time he's already taken the last bite of his food, so he kept the plate on the stool by his side.

"That's a very good idea, the party should be just us, close relatives and close friends most especially girls excluded" Ammar lamented.

Omar Farouq laughed revealing his bright white teeth "Sure girls excluded, we don't want him to see another girl and change his mind" They laughed again.

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