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The next morning the twins woke up very early, joining their aunt Raliya in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. When she asked them how comes they woke up early they just replied with

"We just thought it will be nice to wake up early to help you with somethings" It was Hasna that replied. Aunty Raliya smiled, she was happy that the twins are starting to pay heed to what she was teaching them, at least her effort wasn't going in vain.

"That was thoughtful of you guys" She complimented and continue with her chores.

When they all settle for break fast, Hasna was the one who served Aunty Raliya while Husna served Uncle Hassan her Husband. They ate in absolute silence, every one was in his own world expect for Husna who between intervals threw glances at her twin, wondering what she's cooking up in that witty brain of hers. She still hasn't inform her on the new plan, saying that she should wait till after breakfast. But she's too curious to wait.

When they were almost done, aunty Raliya spoke.

"Hasna Husna, get your things ready, I'll take you home tomorrow" she said without taking her eyes from her plate. They both jerked their heads up.

"Home?" she they said in unison.

"Abdullah's house actually" she specified with a grim expression


"I've been postponing your going back home, for my selfish reasons, not considering what you guys want" Said Aunty Raliya, she continued eating her food silently. thoughts of what happened yesterday is what occupied her mind. Yesterday night when she came out to drink water after they've all retired to bed, she heard a yelped from the direction where the twins room is located. So she went to check what was wrong, as she was about to open the door she heard their voices.

"And yes we are going to runaway and go back to Ya Abdullah's house tomorrow it self" It was in hush tones so she couldn't fathom whose voice it was. She decided on what to do there and then.

"Maman Abdullah" Uncle Hassan called her with the nick name she loved the most. when she looked up at him he could see the pain in her eyes. The pain he always see every time Abdullah is going back to Abuja for vacations, the same pain he saw the night Abdullah got married, the pain of letting go. He knows how much his wife loves having children around but unfortunately Allah didn't bless them with any, He knows that he can't continue to see pain in the eyes of his wife for the rest of his life. No he certainly can't, he has to do something about it later.

"Wouldn't it be better to leave them till Friday, so that they will prepare well and you also". He suggested

"No I'm already prepared and I know they will also be ready by tomorrow am I right?" she asked them.

"Y-yes" They both answered. Husna slowly turned her eyes to her sister, but Hasna just continuing eating her food without sparing her a glance.

Something is not right she thought


"What did you do?" Husna hissed at her twin grabbing her by the arm. Earlier when she could eat no more, she stood up and retreated to their room, pacing up down.

"Let go of my hands you idiot" Hasna cursed freeing her arm from her twin's strong grip.

"Tell me now, what did you do" Husna repeated her first question in a whispers yelled .

"What, look how you are seething, listen we might be twins but you seem to forget who's the eldest"

"Eldest?....eldest my bloody foot, just tell me already, what did you say to her"

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