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This chapter is dedicated to _heebbah your comments always made my days.


Life as it is, is not a bed of rose where one could lay all day perceiving it marvelous fragrance. It has it Ups and downs depending on the type of fate one is destined to have. For the first Five days Khairee spent at her work place, life has given her it sweets moments but little did she know that the bitter moments awaits her.

Khairee sat on the wooden bench at the backyard, Rafeeq whom was tied firmly on her back was sleeping soundly with a little faint snore. She stared at the blue sky with some clots of fluffy white cloud here and there.
Oh how funny life is, you never know how things are going to be. Since the arrival of the twins and their brother, things started to change. Umm Rafeeq doesn't pay her much attention, though it's only natural for her to give her husband all the attention he deserved, but leaving her in the company of those two pairs Oh my God it's ..... arrgh tiring. She couldn't even believe how lazy they are, they can't even unpack their luggage for goodness sake.

Her thoughts went back to what happened earlier this afternoon. She was in the living room feeding Rafeeq with his cereal when Hasna( the eldest of the twins) entered majestically, with her hands akimbo and head up high as if she was the Lady of the house.

She's the sister of the man of the house actually.

"Keh Go and bring me a bottle of water" She had said without even sparing her a glance.

"But I'm feeding Rafeeq his lunch, the water is in the fridge in the kitchen" Khairee said carefully not wanting to to offend her.

"You're feeding Rafeeq, how's that my problem?, Come on go get me what I ask for". She blurted giving her a deathly glare.

"At least let me fin... "

"Now" She cut her off, Khairee dropped Rafeeq on the rug and sprawled to the kitchen to carry out her Majesty's order. When she brought the water, she passed the bottle to her but instead of collecting, she glared at her again.

Is that a glare or is it how her eyes are? Khairee thought.

"You don't expect me to dab my mouth on the bottle's mouth do you?"

"But the bottle is new"

"Even so, go get me a glass" Khairee went back to the kitchen and brought the cup and kept it near the bottle before she pick up the baby and was about to continue feeding him when she heard Hasna spoke again .

"Keh! Come and pour it for me" she said typing away on her phone

For goodness sake Keh is not my name Khairee fumed in her thought before she went and pour the water in the cup and passed it to her. She collected the cup and took a sip but instantly spat it out dropping the cup carelessly and glaring at Khairee again

"Keh what the hell is wrong with you?" she seethed, Khairee look up from the splash of water on her body including her face to the furry face of Hasna.

"Do you intend to kill me with cold water?"

Kill? what the hell is she talking about?

"I thought you will prefer a cold one due to the hot weather" she said swallowing the lump that stuck to her throat.

"I'm quite aware of the weather too, but the least you could do is to ask me not to just decide on your own dummy". Khairee clench her eyes briefly, the word dummy hurt her more than it was supposed to. Just because she's not from the city doesn't mean she's dumb.

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