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Hi everyone

How are you all?

I'm very sorry for updating late
I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.

Hasna pushed the front door open while stepping in slowing, Her shoulder slump down with disappointment when she met Husna in the living room, this was not how she wanted, and now her plan A is ruined. She have to implement plan B.

She went straight to the kitchen and dropped the shopping bag. She came back to the living room and slump down on the sofa

"I'm tired" she huffed out some air from her mouth. Husna looked at her and then at the entrance door before talking

"Sannu" she said and Hasna nodded

"Why are you alone, where's khairee?" she asked

Hasna ignored her and brought out her phone from her handbag and started pressing it


"I sent her, she's coming" She answered annoyingly.

When After almost two hours khairee is still not back, Husna confronted Hasna, She was in their room watching a movie on her laptop.

"Hasna, you said khairee is coming, but it's almost two hours and the girl is still not back". She asked with her hands on her waist.
Hasna choose to ignore her and continue what she was doing.

"I'm talking to you" Hasna ignored her again.

Husna moved forward and closed the laptop drawing her sister's attention over to her.

"What is this?" Hasna bit her lower lip preventing herself from shouting

"Tell me why is khairee not back"

"I don't know"

"You don't know? How can you not know, you guys went out together but only one person came back how can you tell me that you don't know?"

"I said I don't know, now get the hell out of my sight" Hasna yelled out from her lungs

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where she is" Husna yelled back.  They were all breathing heavily as if to break into physical fights. Husna ran her hand through her hair and turned her back at Hasna.

Ya Allah! she hate having fights with her sister, they're adults now they should by now understood each other. But Hasna is not giving her any chance to stop fighting her.

When they were almost calm, Hasna sighed and said

"I'll tell you everything" Husna turned around to look at her. She looks so vulnerable and so she sat close to her and held her hands in hers.

"I'm listening" she said calmly.


When Khairee waited for God knows how many hours, she decided to go and check on hasna. She started to go through the shops, she checked and checked but there was no Hasna.

What if she left? She thought for moment

No she can't go and leave me behind.

She can a voice in her head said.

"No she can't" Khairee said in a whisper.

Khairee thought for a moment before heading towards a man who was sitting in front of a shop.

"Good afternoon, please is there any toilet in this market?" khairee asked

"Yes just go down and " he directed her to where the bathroom is and she head in hurry after thanking him.

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