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She stride down to the living room where she left them earlier, the rate at which her heart is beating is rapidly increasing and at some point she's scared that her heart might end up bursting out from her chest. She could even hear the thud thud sound of it, which in her opinion is even more scary.

What if he rejects me?

But what if he accepted?

No no no what if I couldn't even say it?

She kept thinking of random things, she knows that if he reject her she's going to go mad that's for certain, because she can't live without him in her life.

However she also knows that if he accepted her confession she's going to go even madder than just mad. The weight of love she's been carrying and roaming about with in her heart is suddenly removed and relieved of her, then how on earth will she not go mad out of joy.

Ever since she set her eyes on Omar farouq that fateful day at their siblings' wedding, she fell for him instantly and deeply. At first it was hard to say, because her heart felt something it has never experienced before, the feeling was alien and strong. But with time, she came to understand what it was, it was the feeling of wanting, yearning and loving. It was love.

She started to think of him anytime and anywhere, he was what her heart yearns for. That was why when their mother suggest they come to Kaduna to do their higher institution she didn't object. And the first time she saw him, at their house, she was elated, she talked to him immediately ignoring all the protest her ego was making, wanting her to wait for him to talk to her first, but she have waited long enough, she can't wait any longer.

Her heart was aching

It was aching to be with him, and it aches more when she saw him being all friendly with other girls, especially that village girl. He's not supposed to talk to her, or even smile at her, No he's not suppose to even look at her. The girl is not even an ounce worth his attention.

No girl is worth his attention other than herself.

She was so engage in her thought she didn't even noticed she has reached the the living room until she hit her toe with one of the cushions.

Ouch she moan out of pain as she bend down to nurture her aching toe. She raised her eyes to see the inhabitants of the room only for her eyes to meet with her greatest fear which made anger boil in her blood. 

What the heck

Omar farouq was taking khairee and  baby Rafeeq pictures from his phone, and they were laughing and chatting and if she has noticed correctly khairee was even blushing and Omar farouq.....he was enjoying the moment.

She rose to her feet, totally becoming numb from the previous pain her toe was in. She darted towards them like a tigress does towards her prey with so much determination and anger.  She stopped only in front of them and turned to Khairee, if looks could kill,  Khairee would have been a corpse because of the kind of glare she was receiving at the moment.

"Leave" she said in between gritted teeth.

"huh?" was all khairee could utter from her suddenly dried mouth.

"I said Leave you idiot" Hasna repeated in a dangerous whisper. Khairee quickily took baby Rafeeq and left room.

What is wrong with her? Khairee thought

After khairee left the living room, Hasna replaced the ferocious expression on her face to a smile, and turned to Omar farouq who was sitting and watching them with kin interest.

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