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Omar farouq spotted his friends from where he is standing. They were both seated at the far end table waving at him. He waved back and walked down to them.

"Here comes the deserter" Hafız Said as he shook Omar farouq's outstretched hand.

"The deserter indeed, Jabbama" Ammar agreed while drawing Omar Farouq into a brief manly hug.

Omar Farouq dramatically tolled his eyes at their Comments, he draw the chair at the center and sat on it. All through that Omar Farouq could not mask the jovial smile on his face, it really is nice to be back home permanently. This is the meeting he was so looking forward to after his family.

"It's really really nice to be back, I can't believe I miss you guys" Omar Farouq finally said.

"Yeah we can see that, it's written all over your face" Hafeez teased.

Omar Farouq smiled "Let's order something I'm thirsty" he said signalling at the waiter to come.

"what would you like" omar asked them both

"I'll take banana smoothie" hafeez said

"Mango smoothie and avocado for me" Ammar uttered

"lemonade for me" Omar Farouq said.

"Right away sir" the waiter said and sprinted off to his task.

"So how's life Man?" Ammar directed his question to Omar Farouq.

He leaned back on his chair "life is God, we thank the almighty" he said

"How about you guys, how's life treating you?" He asked

"Pretty nice I guess" Ammar answered

"Yeah pretty nice, except for the teary fact that I might go bankrupt after my wedding" Hafiz sighed

That waked Omar Farouq up "Oh yes Man, your wedding how's the preparation going? "

Hafız leaned forward placing his elbows on the table.

"Gosh! forget it, preparing for wedding is hell. Mama is in charge of everything and she's hell bent on Sucking me dry." Hafiz went on and on telling them the details. The duo couldn't help but laughed at his misery

"who told you getting married is a piece of cake?" Ammar asked amid laughs

"Getting married itself is not a big deal, the problem is the processes especially when women are involved". Hafiz points out

"Is there any marriage where women aren't involved?, women are the key to marriages, they makes it worthwhile." Omar Farouq defended.

Hafiz scrunch his face "Yeah yeah, exactly what I expect to here from mummies boy" They all laughed.

The waiter came back with their drinks and placed it in each of their front. He then kept a loaf of a mouth watering red velvet cake  in the middle with three disposable forks.

"The cake is on the house" he smiled

"Wow it looks delicious thanks"
Omar Farouq appreciate

"you're welcome" the waiter bowed and walked away with his tray by his side.

"So" Hafiz started "Forget about my marriage, what are you Up to these days Omar Farouq, are you seeing anyone? "

Omar Farouq was quiet for a moment.

"Oh no don't tell me you're still not over your first love?"

"You had a first love?" Ammar was surprised "Oh my God what were you two up to without me?"

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