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Omar farouq left the room with very sagged knees, what is going to happen to him now? How will he start explaining to his mother that he already have someone in his heart when she is giving no room for his fair hearing.

Omar farouq felt completely vulnerable now, he can't seem to fathom anything, why will his mother make this harsh decision on him. He couldn't think of a single reason.

This is twenty first century, who does this kind of things in this era. A forced relationship? and that to, to a grown up man like him. It doesn't seem to make sense at all.

He didn't go back to his room directly, his head is quite choked up he needed to clear his mind. He decided to go to the gazebo close to their flat, he sat on one of the armrest chairs staring deep into the full bloom moon. It was so beautiful that he couldn't take or even blink away from it. In some special way, it actually remind him of a certain angelic face, it was like a jewel in the sky, it adores the dark night sky at the same time brightens the whole wide world.

Khair to him is like the full bloom moon, she brightens his world and give life to his soul.

He beamed.

Just the mere thought of her lightened up his mood, how can he ever love any girl other than her?

Khairee ended the call smiling, frankly speaking, few weeks ago phone calls used to be the most bothersome activity to her. She preferred to chat for hours rather than answer a 5minute call. But recently, its the first thing she looks up to every single morning and the last thing she does at night.

Today like everyday, Omar farouq's phone call was the first thing that woke her up. He's become her human alarm ever since she told him about her fight with her best friend. He kind of scolded her about the issue, clearly blaming her as well as stating to her the importance of punctuality, after that he volunteered to be her human alarm. Ever since then Omar farouq has been the one to wake her up.

Khairee has changed in not only on aspect but in many, she manages her time for everything accordingly. She does not waste time on choosing what to where also, which was only because she dedicated her Sundays to choose for the whole week's outfit. This is without a doubt another awesome idea of Omar farouq which she found extremely mesmerizing.

Having Omar farouq in her live is nothing but a blessing.

Within a short period of time, Khairee got ready in a purple and milk ankara skirt and blouse covered up with a milk veil, picked up her phone and bag and headed out for breakfast. She met her aunt in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"You're early today" Her aunt said. Khairee smiled at her.

"Ina kwana Umma (Good morning umma)"

"Lafiya, kintashi lafiya (morning, how are you)"


"You've got an early class?" Umma asked.

Khairee nodded "8:00am" she dropped her bag on the kitchen counter and sat down on one of the plastic chairs.

"Okay! be fast and eat"

Khairee dive into her food without any waste of time, when she was done, she bid her aunt goodbye and left.

Billy and Khairee got out of each of their houses almost at the same time, they therefore started walking to the main road where they will find a tricycle.

As they walk billy look up to khairee and said "I really like this new version of Khairee"

"You can mention it more dear, I love the new me too" Khairee commented

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