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Third person POV

Looking up at the sky on a full moon night, admiring the light of the beautiful stars and the well carved moon in it's bloom gives Khairee serenity. Life hasn't been easy to her since after her last encounter with her father meanwhile they haven't been in good terms with each other. Nevertheless preparations for the wedding is still going on.

Everything is moving so fast, it's only two days remaining before the wedding and all necessary things are bought, talking about furnitures which include a medium sized wooden bed, two pairs of one sitter couch, and a dressing mirror. Other necessary things like pots, stainless plates and bowls and also Samira(s) and kwanon sha(s) (I don't know the name of Samira and kwanon sha in English) are also bought.

She was buried deep into her thought when she heard her grandma talking to her, she wiped the lone tear on her face and looked up to her grandma.

"Khairee why are you sitting outside staring at the sky, I thought I told you to go to your room and get ready? I'm coming in now to apply your henna(lalle)" Inna stated

"Inna do I really have to put that thing? " khairee whined

"of course you have to, have you ever seen a bride without henna on their feets and hands? " Inna asked with a teasing voice

"Did I ever say I want to be a bride" she mumbled to her self

"Me kikace, what did you say?" Inna asked

"uhmm no nothing I didn't say anything, I will just wait for you inside the room" she answered walking towards her room.

'She thought I didn't hear what she said, yarinya this marriage will surely take place, it's for Your Own good afterall' Inna thought.

Khairee changed into a plane faded wrapper and an old white t-shirt, and waited for Inna to come. Some minute later Inna came in with a bowl of mixed henna and four black nylon bag, she sat down on the floor near the mattress khairee was sitting on.

"Give me your right leg" she said gesturing khairee with her hand, khairee stretched her right leg towards inna whilst she starts placing a black selutape with carved flowers on it on the feet, she did the same to the other left feet and started applying the henna. Amidst applying the henna she looked up to khairee whose face held no emotion whatsoever and stated

"Khairee I know you are not happy about this whole marriage, but I want you to know that getting married is not a bad thing infact it's the best thing that will ever happen to you, every girls dignity is in her husband house.

Every good thing you do in your husband house will earn you a reward from Allah and beside you are not going to live far away from your family, it is just few streets away, you can visit us whenever you want so long you have the permission of your husband.

So please do whatever it takes to please your husband as long as it isn't against Allah and his prophet Muhammad(saw), do not go against his will and be good to him. I know you don't like him but with time you will learn to love him and care for him". Inna finished flashing her_ her best smile. Khairee dropped a heavy sigh and looked at inna

"Inna you know I don't like him so why did you and Abba insist on getting me married to him?".

"Because he is so far the best for you" Inna stated sternly.

" but I don't want to...... " she started but was cut off by inna

"Enough with your tantrums Khairee, you are getting Married next tomorrow and that's final" Inna stated raising her hands up, and that's how they kept quiet until Inna finished applying the henna on both legs and hands.

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