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'Not edited, read at your own risk'

Life moves on, and so does everyone. Who we are today might be different from who we were yesterday, and so it is with who we may be tomorrow.

We might not have the same luxury we had yesterday and what we have today might be what we will yearn for tomorrow.

This is how dynamic life is and so are
humans too, they changes with time. Muhibba is thus not an exception too. She changed a lot, she's not that sweet adorable sister like sister in-law who does everything for her sisters in- law because she thinks that it was not their fault that they were pampered. No not anymore, not after everything that happened between them, not after she found out about their true color.

She doesn't talk to them anymore expect when its very necessary, she doesn't cook for them anymore expect on the weekends when her husband is around.

She decided to give them a silent treatment, because that's what they deserve.

They don't go on outings anymore, no shopping, no movie nights at home. She doesn't even give them the face to ask anything. They're just living under the same roof, but they are no better than strangers.

Looking back in time, living her life alone in that house is nothing unusual to her, Since her husband was transfered to Abuja, he only spend the weekend with them here. But then khairee came and the twins later. She was so excited by their presence, she doesn't have to eat alone, watch dramas alone, shop alone and live alone, however everything is ruined now all thanks to those greedy nut head twins.

She has attempted many times to tell her husband about everything, but she's afraid of his reaction. Abdullah can be all kind and loving but when he's angry, he transform to a different person. Muhibba never want to witness that side of him ever again. So she decided to keep everything hidden from him, as it is the brother and sisters relationship isn't the perfect one type.

Nevertheless Muhibba didn't for a second think she can forgive them or forget what they did. The burning anger within her will never allow it, every time she sees them, she can't help but feel her blood boiling.

Every time she felt that way, she either call Omar Farouq to pass time with or spend time in the nursery, remembering their memories with Khairee in the room. Her biggest worry is the fact that she has no idea in what state khairee is. Is she alright? Is she back home? the annoying thing is that the only thing she knows about her was that she came from kano state and nothing more.

She was sitting when she potted the bag the twins gave her the other day which contains khairee's belongings. The other day she was so broken she just dropped the bag on the nursery floor and headed to her room she didn't even bother Opening it. She draw the bag close to her, open it and rummage through it. It contains her books, her toothbrush and then pile of clothes, even her shoes and other things. She zipped the bag back and shove it aside

Sometimes she wonder what those girls were thinking when they did that outrageous things. What angers her most is how they gathered the guts to act in such a way. Are they normal at all? will normal people act the way they did?

"Habibty" she heard her husband's voice calling. She quickly hide the bag in the closet before he came into the nursery.

"What are you doing here?" Abdullah asked closing the door behind him.

Muhibba feigned a smile "I just finished putting Rafeeq to sleep" Abdullah looked at the peaceful little sleeping figure of his baby and smile.

"I just wanted to tell you that we're going to Aunty Raliya's later"

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