Chapter 6

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A/N: Trying to start to really lean into the yandere thoughts here. This chapter also contains a description of masturbation. 

"Thanks for your sweater, Armin!" (Y/N) pulled the fabric off of her body and handed it back to man in the back seat. With the sweet smile he offered it, she couldn't help but feel warmed by the friendly gesture. Her hand found the handle and she clicked it open, but not before turning back to Eren. "This was fun! Thanks for inviting me."

"Here, let me walk you to the door, at least." Eren was quick to exit the car and join her in walking to the lobby. If Armin hadn't been in the back seat he probably would've made an attempt at walking her to her apartment door. "Thanks for being my plus one tonight. I'm sorry at one point you had to see me dirty talk Reiner."

She laughed at the memory of his dare, "No, do not apologize for that. It was hilarious... maybe even a little hot."

Eren leaned down, his movements slow and offered plenty of time for her to back away from his advances. He paused just for a few seconds before capturing her lips, "What are you doing tomorrow? Can I take you out again? Just you and me?"_______________________________________________________________________________

He felt dizzy, and it wasn't the small amounts of alcohol he'd consumed earlier in the evening. It was like he was on a roller coaster, his mind and body reeling from the constant highs and lows... he couldn't even find it in his wheelhouse to be jealous when he looked up and saw Eren's hands and lips on (Y/N). No... Eren was his best friend, and he'd try not to focus on his relationship with her too much, because in the end she'd be Armin's. He just had to lay down the groundwork first. Technically Eren had brought her to him, he'd been used by the universe to introduce the two soulmates. So the least he could do would be let him enjoy the limited time he'd have with her.

Eren's car door brought Armin out of his musings, "So, I think that went well. We're going out tomorrow..."

Armin smiled at the pleased grin on Eren's face, one he usually only wore after a very successful date or when he really showed them all up in some sort of game. "That's great! Maybe we don't just sit here in the parking lot though. We probably look suspicious."

He just chuckled before nodding and pulling out and driving towards their apartment. In all fairness Armin didn't really mind them watching the building, but he really had stuff to take care of. The sweater on his lap hiding the fact that he was failing at keeping his mind off of Eren's date. It had taken every ounce of self control to not stare at the picture she'd sent him, but the the promise of being able to look at it by himself later kept him mostly in check.

_______________________________________________________________________________He practically sprinted to his room once they got back, throwing up a fake yawn and mumbling about being tired. Eren hadn't even questioned it. Without hesitation Armin turned the lock on his door and clicked the lights off. He only felt the tiniest pang of guilt when he was lying on his comforter, clothes discarded save for the sweater that she'd been wearing right next to him and his phone out.

The guilt was so short-lived though, gone completely when he pulled up the picture. This was the first time he'd really been able to have a chance to just dwell on it, take his time and examine every little detail. Why should he feel guilty? She'd sent him the picture; without much hesitation might he add. She'd sat so close to him, worn his sweater, looked him right in the face when she said she hadn't been wearing any underwear... He felt himself grow even stiffer at the thought she'd been so close to him wearing so little.

Armin took a quick breath inhaling the scent of her perfume on his clothes before turning his eyes back to his phone. She must've known that he'd enjoy such a sight, that was probably why she sent a photo that showed so much yet so little, because she knew how much it would drive him insane. He focused on the her perfect breasts spilling from the zippered jacket, if it moved just an inch, he'd be able to see them entirely and not just an exceptional amount of cleavage. He had a jacket just like that one... it was so easy to imagine it was his garment hanging loosely off of her body.

He bit his lip hard as his hand finally grabbed hold of his cock, lazily stroking it as he continued to analyze the smallest details. The red panties on her, hugging her skin and hiding the most intimate parts of her... Fuck, red might be his favorite color. Or maybe it was his least because he just wanted to remove it and see what was underneath so bad. The way her teeth pulled at her bottom lip made him swallow hard while he imagined how they might feel against his, against his skin, wrapped around his cock as she looked up at him with those beautiful eyes.

His pace got quicker, the precum that dripped from the tip adding a delicious lubrication. He screwed his eyes shut and pictured her soft hands pulling at his dick instead of his own. Recalling the way she spoke his name earlier he imagined it just a little more desperate, just a tad bit more breathy. He was so close... so close. Another inhale of her perfume and as he furiously fisted himself and he was about to tip over the edge. He opened his eyes and looked at the picture once more before cumming all over his right hand with a soft whisper of her name.

Armin's breath was ragged, and he laid there and steadied before even entertaining the thought of cleaning himself off. He blinked up at the ceiling... What was wrong with him? A month ago, if he could look into the future and see himself he would laugh. There would be no way in hell that anyone could convince him that he would fall in love with someone after just looking at them, feel desperate after one conversation... that he would be shamefully getting off to his best friend's girlfriend. Armin wasn't that person... Hell, Eren tended to have quite the blurred morals when it came to getting his dick wet and even he wouldn't do that to Armin. He hardly recognized himself anymore, but the scariest thing was he didn't even really care. So what if he was becoming a different person? If in the end he go to be with her, he'd become whoever and whatever he needed to be.

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