Chapter 13

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Eren tried to ignore it... he really did. Jean was right as much as he loathed to admit it. There wasn't much he could do really. If he talked to Armin, he would probably just deny it and it would be weird between all three of them. Or maybe he'd be pissed off at the fact Eren thought he would do that to him and to some extent Eren would agree. They'd been best friends since elementary school and this had never been a problem before. So, he tried to take Jean's advice and ignore it and pretend like Armin didn't bother him whatsoever.

It was so hard though! How was Eren supposed to ignore that Armin ALWAYS greeted her first when he walked into a room? How was he supposed to overlook the way that Armin practically skipped away to his tutoring sessions with her? How was Eren supposed to disregard the way he offered to carry her stuff whenever Eren wasn't around? The way he sat a little too close in his opinion? The way he texted her even if it was to ask Eren a question? The way that every time Eren looked over at him, Armin was always looking at her! The way that (Y/N) had lost 2 pairs of panties at their apartment, she was convinced that their couch ate them or that they just got up and walked away, but Eren was starting to feel a little less convinced. This one Eren didn't even really want to think about, because if he'd been right about that then... then fuck he didn't know what he was supposed to do.

Eren looked over at (Y/N) who was currently watching some tutorial on her phone while lying in bed, she off handedly mentioned when she started it that she had no intention of attempting whatever craft it was, but she enjoyed watching other people do it. Eren sighed, normally he was able to ignore those thoughts about Armin while they were alone in her apartment, but he just wasn't able to shake it. Maybe he could just say something?

(Y/N) looked over at him almost like she was reading his mind, "Hmm? Something bothering you?"


She waited a few moments for him to elaborate, but Eren stayed silent just looking at her. She clicked the lock button on her phone and tossed it over on her nightstand before turning to him and giving him all of her attention, "You wanna talk about it?"

"Will you hear me out before you dismiss it?"

"Of course." (Y/N) had to admit she was feeling a little concerned. There weren't many times that she'd seen Eren look so serious, and though occasionally she thought maybe he joked around a little too much she definitely preferred his normal goofy vibe.

"You know I was joking around about being jealous of Armin, right? Well... I don't know, I've just been getting this weird feeling from him about you and I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"I don't suppose me just saying that nothing has or will happen between us would help?"

"No, it's not even like that. I don't know how to explain it. I know you wouldn't do that and I like to think he wouldn't, but- Jesus, I don't know. He just acts...weird, I guess? Like he's fucking in love with you or something. Even Jean thought so, and for him to agree with me that must mean something right?" Eren felt a little stupid now that it all came out, but even so he did feel a little better.

"Well, if it's bothering you, I can stop being so friendly? And I can finally conquer my fear and start going to office hours with Professor Ackerman? I don't know you tell me what to do and I'll try my best to make you feel better?" (Y/N) enjoyed Armin's company, he had become a really close friend, but she didn't want Eren feeling uncomfortable. Even if it was silly and platonic in her book, Armin was Eren's best friend and roommate long before she knew him. She would never want to come between them or make Eren feel like he had to choose.

"No. I don't want you to do that. I mean I don't think so? I guess it's probably too much for me to ask you to call him up and confess your love for him to see what he says right?" Eren joked... though... he'd have his answer that he wasn't sure he wanted. You know the old saying: play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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