Chapter 21

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45 days. It'd been exactly 45 days since the last time she spoke to Eren, and to say she wasn't hurt by it would be an utter lie. She could've swallowed her pride she guessed and reached out to him, but there was the insecurity that he'd already moved on and somewhat forgotten about her always psyched her out. It wasn't like he didn't have a million options before her anyways... plus she was the one that suggested the break, did she even have the right to try and go back now. She didn't really want to break up with him. She hoped it would be a bad fight, but they'd get over it. Though it was now blatantly obvious that wasn't the case since he slammed her key on the counter that day and since then he hadn't tried to reach out to her once. Not even a text...

Eren hadn't been around at all... but Armin had. It'd been 45 days now that Armin was always around. Checking up on her, distracting her, genuinely enjoying her company... (Y/N) knew it had to be hard on him to maintain the friendship. She hadn't spoken with any other of Eren's friends, which wasn't ideal, but she understood. They were Eren's friends. Not hers... but Armin was there. Still though she felt incredibly guilty when he moved closer and instinctively a small hand made its way to his chest to stop him. "Sorry..."

Fuck. Armin knew he might've rushed it, but honestly how could patient could he possibly be expected to be. It was her. Armin had talked her into screening a scary movie in her living room and after a particularly intense jump scare, she'd jumped closer to him... practically on top of him. Her cheeks had the faintest hint of a blush on them and she hadn't immediately tried to move. Plus, he also knew it'd been over a month since she and Eren spoke (which probably wasn't nearly enough time to get over someone you loved), but he knew she was on that road. If only judging by the fact it'd been over a week where he wasn't mentioned even in passing. Granted she thought the man had moved on from her, not even bothering to reach out... or at least Armin made sure all of his attempts never went through. After deleting several texts, he went in and just blocked Eren's number from her phone knowing that she'd only notice if she went and searched for it. Even if she did find it then it wouldn't be hard to convince her that she did herself that one night after several glasses of wine, she had been cursing Eren's name that night.

Armin had planned on waiting a respectable three months before even making a move. But the close proximity and circumstances threw that plan out the window. He knew she looked at his lips...he knew that he couldn't have been the only one feeling that magnetism pulling them towards each other regardless of her pushing him away- no stopping him, because there hadn't been any force behind the gesture whatsoever. There was hope. He could dig himself out of this... "No, I'm sorry- I just thought that... sorry I'm being stupid."

"No, I mean... I did, probably." No, unfortunately there was no probably. (Y/N) knew she was leading him on, because she knew in that brief moment before and a few times before that instance she had thought about it. Eyes flickering to his lips for just a second before she got a grip on her loneliness and realized how utterly wrong it would be. "It's just kinda soon and you're... well, what if- what if there's this sudden realization for you. Like, Eren's your best friend and I don't want to you to do something you'll regret."

Armin knew that was a weak excuse... kind of a low blow to him. She was worried that HE would regret it... yeah, right. He didn't want to stoop so low, but if he had too then so be it. Armin pulled away from her and cast his gaze anywhere, but her eyes knowing exactly how to convey his 'embarrassment' and 'hesitation', "You're my best friend... I know. It's just that you're kind of the only one who still talks to me. Eren hates me. Everyone else thinks I should've just cut all ties with you as soon as you guys broke up so they don't really talk to me either... I didn't want to do that. You've been a great friend to me, and I'm sorry. It's just spending so much time with you I guess I kinda thought... I mean especially since Eren's been dating again I thought it would be okay..."

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