Chapter 19

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A/N: Idk, I hate this lol I'm using it to further the story telling, but honestly I don't like (Y/N) in this... please forgive her and me 😂

This was the part that Armin told himself he hated. And for the most part he really did. He didn't enjoy ignoring all those texts. He didn't enjoy being curt when he was 'forced' to be around her. But he would be lying if he said he didn't get a little something from some of it.

Like when he could tell she swallowed some pride and came to him. Armin unfortunately had to turn her away, mumbling about being busy. Well, Armin hadn't been busy before, but seeing (Y/N)'s pretty eyes get glassy as she uttered a quick apology and retreated... well Armin hated to admit it, but it stirred something inside of him. While he hadn't been busy before but he definitely had something to take care of after.

Of course for every moment he derived even the smallest amount of pleasure, there were twenty more that were tortuous. He knew it was working... it was just taking much longer than he wanted it to. Thankfully, the semester was coming to an end, which meant her final was coming up and he delighted in seeing her struggle with every study guide and practice test. Two weeks into 'backing off' and he knew he finally had her.

Hey. I know you're probably busy but is there anyway I could get you to help me with something? – (Y/N)

I only have a few minutes. You home? – Armin

Yes! Thank you so much! – (Y/N)

Armin felt a small smile tug at the corner of his mouth... he hadn't cut himself completely out of her life. Though she probably assumed he did since their interactions had been cut down to him quietly and secretly observing her. Now he was going to speak with her again though! Hear her sweet voice directed back at him, he just had to hold out for just a tiny bit longer. So he wiped the smile off of his face when he knocked on her door and kept it off when she swung it open fast enough that he knew she had been waiting for him.

"Armin! You're a life saver! Thank you again for coming!" (Y/N) greeted him excitedly, but her smile fell slightly when she didn't receive the same warm welcome. Still she led him inside and to the small table set up with a mountain of notes (some definitely more neat than others).

She hadn't expected everything to just go back to normal. She assumed that there would still be a little residual tension, but if she were being honest she expected it mostly to be between Eren and Armin... not her and Armin. She racked her brain trying to figure out if she had done anything to cause the strife. It felt like only yesterday that he was telling her that she was one of his best friends and now it felt like pulling teeth to get two words from the man. And unfortunately she really did feel like one of his best friends, or at least he felt like one of hers and she wouldn't dare admit this to Eren, but she missed him.

Armin could see it. She was so close. So close... he could see her getting closer by the second. He always offered up a little praise whenever she grasped a concept, and he didn't today even when he knew she looked over at him for it and he could see the small glimmer of disappointment on her face. They'd always kept some small talk about anything to ease some of the silence while she looked over what she had, but Armin remained silent and watched her mouth open and close a few times clearly unsure of what to say. Finally with what Armin hoped would be the straw that broke the camel's back, he scooted his chair back, "Looks like you got most of it, so I'm gonna head out."

"Thanks... wait. Can I ask you something?"


"Did... did I do something? Are we like... not friends anymore?"

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