Chapter 10

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Armin didn't get a text back until around 7 the next morning, and unfortunately for him he knew what that meant. Of course, there was always hope, but he somehow just knew that he wouldn't be so lucky. He was sure that Eren had been freaked out by the idea of a labeled relationship, but after that first conversation he could see the wheels in Eren's head turning all day. Armin knew that was hardly ever a good sign. So when he texted Eren later that night asking him how their talk went and hadn't received a response he knew how it went. But when he finally read the words confirming it his blood boiled.

REALLY well 😉 Definitely spent all day worrying about nothing – Eren

He should've been happy for his friend, and he typed up a message saying he was, but it was definitely a lie. How could he be happy when the love of his life was with someone else? The news had really ruined his morning and everything else in the world seemed to conspire against him. He spilled his coffee. He couldn't find a decent parking spot. He left his textbook back in bedroom...

The only think that brought him any comfort was that it was Tuesday at least. He'd get to have lunch with (Y/N) and it would make all of his suffering worth it. So he sat irritably with his friends, his mood instantly lifted when he saw her, choosing to ignore her fingers interlaced with Eren's.

"It's about time you guys! I'm starving!" Sasha exclaimed already heading to the parking lot, leading them all in the direction that fast tracked their lunch. She had been a little dramatic but not entirely wrong, because they all did happen to be hungry. So they all followed, only grumbling a little.

Normally Armin found himself to be pretty good at not blatantly staring or zoning out too much when he was around people. Today, he was not. Eren had been engrossed in a conversation with Jean and Connie about 'leaving them hanging', Sasha, Mikasa and (Y/N) were idly chatting about something and Armin was just there. Watching, half-way listening. Well, until the object of his affection looked over, "You alright, Armin?"

She was always so thoughtful and sweet to him... even when he was being a creep and staring at her. He shook his head a little bit to try and give the illusion he hadn't been eyeing her in particular, "Oh! Uh... yeah."

"You seem a little out of it? Bad day?"

"Hmm... yeah I guess so. Things just haven't been really going my way I guess." Armin offered up a small smile. Though he hadn't been lying about his day, hearing her voice directed so kindly at him made his mood flip almost immediately.

"That sucks. Well, it's still relatively early! Maybe things will look up!" Her smile was bright, so bright that Armin thought perhaps if his gaze lingered too long it might just melt him. Still, he couldn't bring himself to look away, immediately finding truth in her words; it seemed like the stress he felt was melting off of him.

"I think you might be right, thanks."

A knock on the door sounded just as the online lobby filled (Eren always had amazing timing like that). "Hey! Armin! Can you get that?!"

Armin was already heading to the door whenever he had been summoned and he thanked whatever god was looking out for him when he did. "Oh, hey!"

"Sorry to just drop by, but I brought you guys something!" (Y/N) grinned and held up two containers, "Brownies and cookies... I felt like baking earlier and I couldn't- shouldn't eat all of it myself. Plus, you said you were having a bad day, and chocolate usually helps me."

"Well, come in! I'll never turn away a pretty woman with baked goods." His compliment was well placed enough that she didn't seem uncomfortable at all. At least judging by the giggle and the fact that she walked inside and towards the small kitchen. Armin closed the door behind her and begrudgingly called out to Eren, "(Y/N)'s here! She brought cookies!"

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