Chapter 16

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The sound of wood hitting wood harshly startled him and Armin jumped slightly when he heard the front door slam. Looking up from his book, he turned around to be met with Eren slamming his keys down on the counter and putting his head in his hands. Only an hour ago he had left to meet (Y/N) for lunch and already he was back... and looking quite angry. Something had gone wrong and as giddy as he was about that fact he kept the evidence off of his face. "You okay?"

"Fucking great." Eren snapped. Truthfully Armin was the last person he wanted to speak to about this. He got the feeling that Armin would be ecstatic to know that his date had been cut short.

"Well excuse me." Armin turned back around. Every part of him wanted to pry, but he figured that would be met with more resistance. Armin was convinced he should've won an Oscar or some acting award for the performance he gave because Eren easily bought into his lack of concern.

"Sorry..." Eren mumbled and sat down on the chair across from Armin. He was pissed already, and it wasn't like there wasn't already tension bubbling between the two (though to anyone looking in it definitely seemed one-sided). Eren was finding it increasingly hard to disregard Armin's friendly nature towards (Y/N). After the dream she had Eren found himself even more annoyed by everything he did no matter how hard he tried to not feel that way. "Lunch didn't go great."

"What happened?"

"It was fucking stupid really. God. Apparently I'm an asshole who can't be bothered to remember things about her because I forgot what she ate on her burger... it's possible I overreacted. I mean she said she was joking, but it just got under my skin I guess? I dunno. She said she wasn't hungry anymore and went home." Eren sighed. It really was stupid. The joke wasn't funny, but Eren knew he'd taken it too harshly. He'd woken up in a bad mood and definitely taken it out on her.

"Yeah... that was stupid," Armin couldn't keep the laugh from escaping him. It was a stroke of good luck for him, and honest to god it was genuinely funny to see someone so worked up over a burger. He guessed Eren must've seen the humor in it too because he chuckled along with him. "I mean I'm no expert, but I think you guys might be able to make it through this."

Eren nodded, he hated to admit that he did feel a little better. It'd been awhile since he took the time to speak with Armin by himself really. Maybe if he had he would've felt more reassured before hand... Eren let the soft grin that Armin wore comfort him, "Yeah... I'm gonna go over and apologize later."

"Seems like a smart idea." Armin agreed and went back to his book.

As soon as Eren had left the room, Armin pulled out his phone. Scrolling through the apps until he found what he needed. He carefully picked out the item he wanted before typing in (Y/N)'s address and checking out.

Eren might not have been bothered to remember the smallest details about (Y/N), but this was where Armin thrived. He knew exactly what condiments she would and wouldn't want between the buns and he was just being a good friend. Poor thing was probably starving since there hadn't been any way they'd been able to eat in the time frame from when Eren left and came back.

Can you do me a favor? – Armin

Depends. What is it? –(Y/N)

I need you to be able to answer the door in like 30 minutes when the Uber eats dude gets there 😬

Heard you didn't get your burger and didn't want you to starve – Armin

🙄 I'm Venmo-ing the money.

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