Chapter 11

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A/N: It's been awhile since I've written smut, I'm a little rusty. Also don't think I've ever written anything quite like this, consider yourself warned.

It was almost absolutely perfect. They weren't completely alone, but they disregarded their fellow university students studying at nearby tables in the campus library. And (Y/N) was god awful at math. Sure, Armin felt a tinge of guilt about being so giddy at her struggle, but this meant he would have so much time to spend alone with her! Had she been anyone else there was a strong possibility that he would've berated her for not remembering what was taught in high school, but luckily all Armin had was time and he had no problem starting from square one.

"I know this probably makes me sound like an idiot... but I just don't get it..." Her gaze fell down just a tiny bit and Armin could tell she was a tad embarrassed. She had no reason to be, everyone had their weaknesses... realistically when would she ever need this anyways? In a perfect world she wouldn't even need to leave their shared home for anything but grocery shopping or maybe doctor appointments with their future children.

"No, it's fine you just have- you mind if I get a little closer so I can see?" Armin could definitely see the papers that were laid directly in front of her, but if he had a chance to be right next to her was it so wrong to try and take it? When she nodded Armin needed no more confirmation, and scooted his chair closer to her before leaning over the paper. He explained the problem as basically as he could, gently reminding her of some of the rules she was forgetting. It was a little tricky to not focus on how close she was to him. "Why don't you try it now?"

(Y/N) leaned down before Armin had a chance to back up. She wanted to get it done quickly before she had forgotten all of what he had just told her and embarrassed herself further. She concentrated on the numbers and letters, pencil scribbling carefully, she wasn't at all aware of how he was watching her and not her attempt at answering the equation. Armin couldn't tear his eyes away though; her face was only inches away from his. It was innocent, but damn, if she just looked over, he'd practically be kissing her. He could probably feel her breath on his skin...

"Ugh, I think I need my calculator..." she huffed before leaning over and unzipping the bag she'd brought with her. When she bent further down to dig through the contents of her bag, the back of her shirt had pulled up just a bit, exposing only an inch (if that) of her skin. Unfortunately, she found the electronic quickly and was back to work in only a matter of seconds.

Everything she'd done was nothing but normal. Nothing but friendly. Still, the irrational thought popped into his head: she was teasing him. Being so close, so nonchalantly. Bending over and showing just the smallest amount of skin. She must've known what she was doing to him, right? There was no way she couldn't, right? It didn't matter, he didn't have enough time to dwell before she looked up at him hopefully, "Is this it?"

"That's right! Good job." Armin smiled at the way she beamed at his praise. "Go ahead and try the next one."

He watched her work on the questions that followed the first. He was there to answer any question she had, offer her words of encouragement whenever something wasn't quite right and tell her exactly how wonderful she did when it was correct. Armin would admit it was adorable to see the pout whenever he had to correct her, but it was nothing compared to the way she looked at him when he praised her... it was intoxicating, burned into his mind for all of eternity. Good thing too because he'd definitely be thinking about it later tonight when he was admiring the panties he'd found the other day. It had become almost a nightly ritual at this point, only becoming more exciting when he overheard her mentioning it to Eren 'quietly', admitting she'd forgotten to tell him but she definitely left them there the other day and hadn't been able to find them.

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