𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧.

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Sienna let out a muffled sigh as she walked into her boyfriend's house,

"Do you think I'm making the right move?" Sienna asked as she ran her fingers through her hair,

"You thought about it for a while," Max shrugged as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders,

"This isn't my call to make love," he added as he placed a kiss on her forehead,

"It's my dad," the girl mumbled as her phone rang,

"You know you are going to have to talk to him eventually right?" The boy pointed out as he watched his girlfriend decline the call,

"I know," Sienna nodded as she looked up at him,

"But just not right now," she added as she placed a kiss on his lips.


Three months before the couple moved in together Toto had found out about his daughter's relationship,

"You did so well," Sienna cheered as she wrapped her arms around his waist,

"Thank you mijn liefde," Max smiled as he kissed her,

"What is this?" Toto asked curiously as he saw the interaction between the couple,

"Dad," the girl began but was quickly cut off,

"Get away from him," the Mercedes team principal shook his head,

"Dad," Sienna repeated herself in what was more of a dominant tone,

"I'm not listening to this," Toto pinched the bridge of his nose,

"Whatever this is, ends today," he added as he looked to his daughter,

"But," the girl began as she dropped her arms from around her boyfriend's waist,

"No," the older man shook his head,

"Come on," he added as he motioned to her to follow him back to the Mercedes motor hub,

"Bye Max," Sienna let out a defeated sigh as she waved to him,

"You're not seeing him anymore," Toto warned as they began to walk back,

"Are you banning me from seeing him?" The girl asked with an amused look on her face as she didn't think that he was serious,

"Yes," the man nodded as he looked at his watch,

"Now go sit with your mother," he added as he had some things to do before the end of the day,

"But-" Sienna began as she wanted to argue with him,

"Go," Toto pointed to the stands.


Sienna had now spent the last three weeks living with Max and they had been having a lot of fun together,

"Daniel!" Sienna cheered as she saw the Australian,

"Hey!" Daniel turned around with a smile as he hugged the girl,

"Where's Romeo?" He added as he cocked his head,

"Who?" The girl sent him a confused look,

"Max," the Australian spoke in a duh tone,

"You know you two are like Romeo and Juliet," he added as he began to explain it to her,

"Don't they both die at the end of it?" The Austrian asked with wide eyes,

"Wait yeah," Daniel nodded as he quickly realised that the girl was correct,

"Oops," he added with a shrug,

"Let's hope we don't get to that part of the story," the boy joked as he didn't know what else to say,

"Sienna?" Max spoke up as he walked up to her,

"I gotta go," the girl couldn't tell what was bugging her boyfriend,

"It was nice seeing you," the Australian sent her a wave as he heard someone call his name,

"You too," the Austrian nodded as she smiled,

"What's up?" She added as she looked at the Dutchman,

"Well your dad wants to kill me," Max mumbled in her ear,

"I'll talk to him," the girl let out a sigh,

"Give me a kiss before you go," the boy smiled as he placed a kiss on her lips,

"I'll see you later," Sienna sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair.


Sienna nervously walked up to her fathers motor home as she knocked on the door,

"Yes?" Toto looked up from his laptop,

"Dad," Sienna awkwardly revealed herself as she opens the door,

"Sienna," the boy leaned back in his car as he looked at her,

"Look I know you're pissed off that moved in with Max," the girl began as she stood in the office,

"That's one way to describe it," Toto mumbled as he crossed his arms,

"But I really like him," Sienna decided that it was better to tell him the truth than to avoid it,

"Remember when you told me how you felt around mum?" She added as she cocked her head,

"Yeah," he couldn't help but crack a small smile,

"I feel that and all the butterflies on top of that too," the girl explained,

"I get that it's not ideal but you can't choose who you love," she added with a shrug,

"And if you don't accept then I'm sorry but you can't change it," the younger Wolff had finally had enough and decided that he had to just get over it.

"Can I tell you something?" Toto asked as he got up,

"It was weird seeing my baby girl grow up and find a boyfriend," he added as he shrugged,

"Yes I'm not happy that he is from a rival team," the older Wolff rubbed his hands together,

"But if you love him then okay," he began to see that he really had nothing that he could do about it,

"Really?" Sienna was taken by surprise,

"Yeah," Toto nodded,

"But he is not being invited to family dinners," he added in a warning tone,

"Baby steps," the girl smiled as she hugged him.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now