𝐒𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐥.

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Evie_Broad: I loved writing this chapter so I hope you enjoy it too!

Evie_Broad: I loved writing this chapter so I hope you enjoy it too!

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Evie knew that when her boyfriend got back into the paddock that she would have to be extra cautious on what she says.

"Love?" Evie asked as she looked at him,

"Fuck off," Sebastian spat as he pulled his helmet off of his head,

"Excuse me?" The girl couldn't help but let out a scoff,

"You heard me," the boy grumbled,

"This was your fault," he added as he pointed at her,

"I-" Evie began but was cut off when he walked off,

"Did I do anything?" She added as she looked to Britta,

"No, he just seemed to be in a mood." Britta sighed as she shook her head,

"So that wasnt my fault?" The younger girl asked,

"Nope," the blondes lips popped as she scratched her forehead,

"Maybe just go check on him later, once he cools off." She added in a suggestive tone,

"He can't be saying that kind of stuff to me everytime he gets pissed off," Evie shook her head as she walked off,

"I know but-" Britta as she realised that the girl was gone,

"This isn't going to end well," she added with a sigh.


Evie walked into Sebastian's motor home as she was clearly pissed off,

"Look Seb," Evie began as she crossed her arms,

"I'm not interested in talking," Sebastian spoke plainly as he pulled a clean shirt on,

"Well then you can listen," the girl grumbled as she tucked her hair behind her ears,

"We're done," the boy blurted out,

"Excuse me?" Evie stopped talking as her eyes went wide,

"You heard me," Sebastian angrily ran his fingers through his hair,

"Lewis deserves the title more than you do," the girl spat as she shook her head,

"Fuck you," the boy shot back as he sent her a glare,

"Likewise," Evie looked at him one last time before she turned around and left,

"You did not just break up with her over a race," Britta shook her head as she walked in,

"I'm not interested in hearing a lecture from you right now," Sebastian let out a groan,

"Well you better sit still because you're going to hear it." The older girl warned as she motioned to the couch for him to sit.


Evie found herself at the beach,

It was where she went when she was sad.

"Liebe?" Sebastian spoke up as he walked over to her,

"I'm sorry," he added as he sat down,

"I was a dick," the girl let out a scoff as he spoke,

"That's one way to describe yourself," Evie mumbled as she let out a sigh,

"Do you seriously blame me for what happened?" She asked as she tucked her hair behind her ears,

"No," the boy fiddled with the rings on his fingers as he looked at her,

"I was angry and just kind of said it," he added as he tried to explained the reason why he reacted the what he did,

"How'd you know that I'd be here?" The girl asked as she listened to the sound of the sea as it came crashing down,

"At the beach?" Sebastian cocked his head as she nodded,

"You always go to the sea when your sad because it's where your grandfather went when he was," he added as he watched her smile,

"We've been together for five years, I know your quirks." As he spoke the girl wiggled her toes between the sand,

"Did you really mean that you wanted us to be over?" Evie spoke in what was barely a whisper,

"No," the boy sighed as he looked around,

"I think it was the stupidest thing that I've said whilst mad," he added as he reached over to grab her hand,

"So you admit that you were an idiot and an asshole as well as a dickhead?" The girl asked with a smirk,

"I don't think that those were my exact words but yes," Sebastian clicked his tongue as he smiled,

"I'm sorry too," Evie nodded in agreement,

"What for?" The boy asked as he cocked his head,

"I didn't mean what I said about Lewis," the girl explained,

"I would rather have Max win," she added as she let out a laugh,

"Let's not get too ahead of ourselves now," Sebastian joked as he shook his head,

"Come on," he added as he got up,

"Where are you going?" Evie asked as she dusted the sand from her bum,

"Home," the boy explained as he held his hand out to her,

"If you'll be there," he added with a soft smile,

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else," the girl nodded as she got up and grabbed his hand before the duo walked back to his car so they could make their way back to the house wanting to forget that this ever took place.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now