𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧.

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Request: Can you write 62 with Max please? 😍

Prompt: "Talk to me when you are sober,"

Prompt: "Talk to me when you are sober,"

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(Y/n) had been at a party with her friends and quickly realised how the night took over.

"Max?" (Y/n) asked as she dialled his number,

"(Y/n)?" Max furrowed his eyebrows as he thought that she was at a party,

"What's up?" He added as he stopped cooking the meal that he was in the middle of,

"I want McDonald's," the girl explained as she looked around,

"And what I am meant to do about it?" The boy pursed his lips in an amusing line as he held back a laugh,

"I don't know," (Y/n) shrugged as she smiled,

"Didn't really think about it," she added with a giggle as she laughed,

"I'll come to get you," Max could tell that she was beyond drunk at that point,

"I don't want to leave," the girl pouted as she shook her head,

"You don't get the choice," the boy grumbled as he had already grabbed his keys not wanting her to get into any trouble,

"I'll be there soon," he added before he hung up and hoped that she would be at the same place by the time he arrived.


Max drove up to see his girlfriend sat on the side of the road,

"Come on," Max let out a sigh as he stopped the car,

"Why are you here?" (Y/n) asked as she looked up at him obviously forgetting the phone call that they had.

"Do you not remember the call that we had?" The boy cocked his head as he held his hand out for her to grab,

"Nope," the girl shook her head as she got up as she followed him to the car,

"Come on let's go," Max opened the door to her side of the car as he helped her get in.


The couple arrived back at their house and (Y/n) was annoyed about something,

"Let me help you with those," Max watched as she struggled with the straps of her heels,

"I don't need help," (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows as she shook her head,

"You're drunk," the boy pointed out the obvious as he smiled,

"And can barely walk," he added as he quickly held his hand out for her to grab,

"I want to do something," the girl smiled as she fiddled with the ends of his shirt,

"Not tonight," Max shook his head as he pulled her hands away from him,

"Fuck you," (Y/n) grumbled as she looked down to see that he was currently holding onto her wrists,

"Let go of me," she added as she tried to pull her arms away from him,

"Talk to me when you are sober," the boy rolled his eyes deciding to ignore the comment,

"I'm getting you to sleep and we can talk in the morning," he added as he pulled her into the bedroom,

"I don't want to go to sleep," the girl pouted like a child as she looked at him,

"Humour me then," Max smirked as he reached over and took her earrings out,

He assumed that it wouldn't be fun to sleep with a pair of earrings in.

"I don't like you" (Y/n) mumbled as she picked at her nails,

She often made comments if she was drunk.

"That's fine," the boy shrugged as he watched her almost fall over as she stepped out of her

"Careful now," he added as he held his arm out to stop her from falling,

"I'm fine," the girl mumbled as she stood on the flat ground,

"You need to sit here," Max pointed to the bed and was surprised when she listened,

"Arms up," he added as he wanted to get her out of the skin-tight dress knowing that she would complain about being in it in the morning if he didn't,

"Arms up," he repeated when she didn't listen to him,

"I'm going to sleep," (Y/n) explained as she lifted her arms and watched as he pulled the dress off of her,

"You said that you weren't tired," Max smirked as he grabbed one of his shirts knowing that it was a safe option for her to sleep in,

"Shush," the girl leaned in and placed a peck on his lips as she smiled before she rested her head on the pillow and shortly after went to sleep.


It was the next morning and (Y/n) had made herself a coffee and made her way to Max's study.

"Good morning," (Y/n) knocked on the door as she walked in,

"Max?" She added as she cocked her head seeing that he was focusing on the screen,

He would usually turn and send her a smile.

"I'm busy," Max grumbled as he was on the simulator,

"Did I piss you off?" The girl asked as she leaned against his table,

"Should I have been pissed off when you said you hated me or when you said you didn't like me?" The boy furrowed his eyebrows as he focused on the screen,

"I don't remember doing that," (Y/n) shook her head as she began to think back to the previous night,

"You were drunk," Max explained,

"So you wouldn't," he added as he shook his head,

"Are you mad at me?" The girl asked as she sighed,

"As I said I'm busy practising," the boy repeated himself as he wasn't going to break,

"Max," (Y/n) placed her mug on the table,

"Can you stop for a moment?" She added as she sat on his lap,

"What are you doing?" Max asked as his hands instantly went to her hips,

"Making it up to you," the girl explained as she leaned to his ear,

"Let me show you that I didn't mean what I said last night." She added in a whisper as she placed a peck on the lobe of his ear.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now