𝐌𝐚𝐱 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧.

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Request: 46 with max please 🤩

Prompt: "You two know each other?" "You could say that,"

Prompt: "You two know each other?" "You could say that,"

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It was everyone's favourite race week,

They were in Monaco.

"You made it!" Carlos cheered as he threw his arms around his best friend,

"I wouldn't miss the weekend for the world," (Y/n) spoke in a duh tone as she smiled,

"I think we could count on you being here," Charles spoke up as he walked over to them,

"Who is this?" He added as he didn't recognise the girl,

He had thought that she was someone else.

"This is (Y/n) she is with us for the weekend," the Spaniard introduced his teammate to her as she waved at him,

"It's always nice to have new people in the paddock," the Monegasque nodded as he smiled and nodded,

"She is coming tonight," Carlos spoke up as he threw his arm around her shoulders,

"I am?" The girl furrowed her eyebrows as she wasn't taken by surprise,

"Of course you are," the Spaniard nodded as he spoke in a duh tone,

"I need my drinking partner tonight," he added as he jokingly nudged the girl,

"Okay then," the girl smiled as she nodded excitedly to see what they would get up to.


It was a few hours into the night when (Y/n) found herself stood at the bar,

"One beer and whatever the lady is having," a voice spoke up as he sat in the seat next to her,

"Are you buying me a drink?" (Y/n) asked as she cocked her head,

"Only if you want it," the boy nodded as he sent her a soft smirk,

"I'm Max," he added as he extended his hand out to her,

"(Y/n)," the girl introduced herself as she shook his head,

"Are you here with someone?" Max asked as he cocked his head wondering why the pretty girl was alone,

"A friend but he seems to have left me," (Y/n) let out a sigh as she looked up the dance floor and couldn't see the boys,

"I think he went off to his girlfriend," she added as she knew that she was third-wheeling two couples for the evening,

"You?" She looked up to the boy wondering why he had decided to sit next to her,

"Here for work," the boy explained as the girl let out a sigh,

"I'd love to be able to come here for work," the girl mumbled as she rested her head on her hand,

"I guess I am pretty lucky," Max nodded as he ran his fingers through his hair,

"Are you single?" He added in a very forward tone almost taking the girl by surprise,

"Are you asking?" (Y/n) asked as a smirk formed on her face,

"Yeah," the boy nodded as he waited for her response,

"I am," the girl picked at her nail as she smiled,

"Do you want to get out of here then?" Max spoke in a forward tone showing that his confidence was there;

"That came out wrong," he quickly added knowing that it could be taken as the wrong thing,

"I'd love to," it was strange but (Y/n) wanted to know what he had in store for her,

"Only when we're done with these," she added as she motioned to the drinks that were put on the table,

"I'd like that," the boys nodded as he smiled before he took a sip of his beer.


Race day finally arrived and (Y/n) was walking around with Carlos,

"Did you have fun last night?" Carlos asked as he fixed his hat,

"Yeah I did," (Y/n) nodded as she smiled,

"I can tell," the boy smirked as he watched the girl grow confused,

"What do you-" the girl asked as he ran his fingers over her neck where a large hickey had formed,

"Oh," she added as she quickly realised that she hadn't done a good job at covering it up,

"So who is the lucky guy?" Carlos cocked his head,

"I'm not answering that," (Y/n) shook her head as she rolled her eyes,

"Who is Charles with?" She added as she recognised the boy from the night at the bar,

"That is Max," the boy nodded his head as he furrowed his eyebrows,

"Another one of the drivers," he added in a duh tone,

"I want to introduce you to someone Max," Charles spoke up as he smiled,

"This is (Y/n)," he added as he pointed to the girl,

"You two know each other?" Carlos asked as he saw the awkward look that they gave each other,

"You could say that," the duo spoke at the same time,

"I'm going to kill you," the Spaniard spoke in a serious tone as he looked at the blonde,

"Wait why?" Max looked at him with wide eyes as he grew scared,

"You're the boy, aren't you?" Carlos asked as he crossed his arms,

"You better run Max," (Y/n) warned as she patted his back,

"Is Carlos always like this?" Charles asked as he watched the duo run,

"Usually," the girl nodded as she let out a laugh,

"Not the hair!" Max let out a groan as Carlos threw his cap at him,

"I feel like we should stop this," the Monegasque let out a sigh as he couldn't help but smile,

"Let's wait for a moment," the girl shook her head as she giggled,

"This is beginning to get interesting," she added as she watched Carlos chase after the Dutchman.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now