𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫.

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Request: Are the songs prompts too? If so, temporary fix + mick please? 😊😍

Prompt: Temporary Fix by One Direction

Prompt: Temporary Fix by One Direction

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After an awful race, Mick wanted nothing more than to clear his mind,

So he went to a bar.

"George," Mick cleared his throat as he looked at the driver,

"Yeah?" George turned his attention away from his phone and to the younger boy,

"Do you know who that girl is?" The German asked as he pointed to (Y/n) who was stood with a guy that seemed to be giving her grief,

"That's (Y/n)," the Brit explained with a smile,

"I met her last time we were here," the duo had become friends when they had mixed their drinks accidentally.

"She seems pretty chill," Mick nodded as he had seen the glances that the girl had been sending his way the whole night and he wanted to get to know her,

"Who is she with?" He added as he didn't recognise the boy either,

"I don't know," George shrugged as he furrowed his eyebrows,

"He looks like he is giving her a bit of grief though," he could tell that (Y/n) was obviously uncomfortable by the boy's presence in front of her,

"I'll be back," the German got up and made his over to her,

"Are you alright?" He added as he crossed his arms.

"Move over Buddy," the Brit grumbled as he looked to his side to see the shorter boy.

"I was talking to her," Mick sent him a glare as he took a step forward,

"Yeah, I'm good thanks." (Y/n) spoke up as she sent the blonde a smile,

"I actually want to head home," she added as she grabbed her bag and made her way to the door,

"Wait (Y/n)!" Mick called out as he hoped that she would hear him over the sound of the music,

"You know my name?" The girl asked as she cocked her head,

"Yeah, I spoke to George." The boy explained as he motioned to the Brit who sent them a salute,

"Are you alright?" He added as he cocked his head,

"Yeah," (Y/n) nodded as she fiddled with the ends of her hair,

"That was just Ryan," she added as she looked over to see that he had moved on completely and was now having a drink.

"Always been a bit of an ass," it was no secret that whenever she went to the club he was just one of those people who just got on people's nerves.

"I'm sorry about him," Mick apologised as he let out a sigh,

He felt bad for the girl.

"He isn't your fault," the girl shook her head as she tapped her fingers on her clutch,

"Stay for a bit longer," the boy could tell that she wanted to just get away from Ryan to forget about the evening she had.

"I want to get to know you," he added as he scratched the back of his neck,

"I'll stop him from being annoying," he proposed in a slightly amused tone,

"Oh, my knight in shining armour," (Y/n) joked as she placed her hand on her chest,

"I'm Mick," Mick explained with a smile,

"(Y/n), but you already knew that." The girl turned a shade of pink as she ran her fingers through her hair.


It was the next morning and Mick rolled over to see that there was someone else in his bed.

"Good morning," Mick smiled as he looked at the girl,

"Hey," (Y/n) let out a yawn as she propped herself on her arm,

"How'd you sleep?" The German asked as he reached out and ran his fingers through her hair,

"Pretty good if I'm being honest," the girl nodded as she looked at him,

"Your bed is comfy," she added with a smile,

"I'd like to see more of you," Mick blurted out causing the girl to stop and think about it for a moment,

"You make that sound like a question," (Y/n) pointed out as she smirked,

"Well I don't know if you want to see more of me," the boy explained as he didn't know what really to be saying to her,

"I wouldn't be here if I didn't," the girl spoke in a duh tone as she placed her hand on his cheek as rubbed it with her thumb.


It had been three months since Mick had met (Y/n) and they were doing better than ever,

"Hey?" Mick opened the door to see the girl,

"I couldn't sleep and knew that you would be up," (Y/n) explained as she walked in with a smile,

"I could have been sleeping," the boy pointed out in a duh tone,

He had been playing FIFA but he wasn't going to tell her.

"Well you were on Snapchat three minutes ago and you are currently watching tv so I guess my gamble was right." The girl pointed to the tv that was busy making noise,

"Do you want to talk about why you couldn't sleep?" Mick asked as he crossed his arms,

"I was thinking," (Y/n) began as she smiled,

"Thinking about you." She added in a mumble as she met his eyes,

"Why me?" The boy asked as he cocked his head,

"Because I can't get you out of my head." The girl explained as she fiddled with her fingers,

"I thought that I made it obvious that I liked you but I didn't." She added as she looked at the boy who stayed quiet,

"Say something please," (Y/n) asked as Mick placed his hands on her cheeks and kissed her,

"Or show me that works too." The girl added as she smiled.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now