𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜.

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annonymouse_: I was hungry when I wrote this so I hope that you don't mind that it took a massively random turn...

annonymouse_: I was hungry when I wrote this so I hope that you don't mind that it took a massively random turn

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Caroline walked through the venue as she tried to find her friend,

"I'm sorry," Carolina apologised as she bumped into a boy,

"No worries," he smiled as he helped her off of the ground,

"I'm Charles," Charles added as he introduced himself,

"Caroline," the girl nodded as he tucked her hair behind her ear,

"Who are you with?" The boy asked as he cocked his head seeing the guest pass that sat around her neck,

"Lando," Caroline began as she picked at her nails,

"He is my-" she added but was cut off when she felt someone wrap their arm around her,

"I'm starting to think that I should put a bell on you or something," Lando shook his head as he smiled,

"I see you met my best friend Charles," the Brit added not realising that the duo already got introduced to each other,

"I was going to ask if I would be seeing more of her," Charles began as he ran his fingers through his hair,

"But seeing that she is your best friend I wouldn't be surprised then," the Monegasque added as he looked at his watch,

"I'll see you two around then," the boy sent the duo a wave before walking off,

"Bye Charles," the friends called out before turning to each other,

"He is single by the way," Lando smiled before he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the McLaren motor homes,

"Don't even start with that," Caroline let out a groan as she shook her head.


The race had ended and Caroline wanted to go and congratulate Charles on the podium,

"It's open!" Charles called out as he heard the knock at the door,

"Hey," he added with a smile to see Caroline,

"Hi," Caroline tapped the door before shutting in,

"Let me just grab a shirt," the boy began as he pulled his grey shirt off of the couch,

"What can I do for you?" He pulled it over his neck,

"I just wanted to congratulate you on the podium," the girl confessed as she rubbed her eye,

"So you came all this way to tell me?" Charles asked in a teasing tone,

"I'm starting to realise that I could have waited," Caroline turned a shade of pink as she quickly became embarrassed,

"I was kidding," the boy shook his head as he realised that she took his comment to heart,

"Thank you," he added with a smile,

"Well I guess that I should get going then," the girl pointed back to the door,

"Wait Caroline," Charles quickly realised that he had the perfect window of opportunity,

"Yeah?" Caroline cocked her head as she wrapped her hand around the door handle,

"Are you free this evening?" The boys asked as he scratched the back of his neck,

"If you have plans-" he added with wide eyes,

"I was going to sit in my room and watch movies," the girl quickly cut him off,

"So if you have something else in mind, I'm all ears." She added in an amused tone,

"I have somewhere I want to take you," Charles explained as he rubbed his hands together.


Caroline had to get her bag from Lando's motor home before she followed Charles into town,

"What's got you smiling like that?" Lando asked as he cocked his head,

"Charles is taking me into town," Caroline explained with a grin,

"Well have fun," the boy began,

"And don't come back with a child," he added in a lower tone,

"Lando!" The girl let out a scoff as she picked of the can of deodorant and threw it at him,

"Don't hit me!" Lando let out a groan as he blocked the new items that the girl was throwing at him,

"You ready?" Charles asked as he walked into the room,

"Yeah," Caroline nodded with a smile,

"Stay safe," Lando mouthed with a smirk as the older driver turned away from them,

"Shut up," the girl sent him a glare before leaving,

"You two are an interesting duo," Charles began as they shut the door behind them,

"That's one way to describe us," Caroline smiled as she nodded.


The duo walked around the city as they debated a hot topic,

"You going to tell me that you prefer that one?" Caroline spoke in a disgusted tone,

"Stracciatella?" Charles asked as he cocked his head,

"Yeah that one," the girl nodded as she still couldn't say it properly,

"It's a good flavour," the boy shrugged as he smiled,

"Mango is plain," he added in an argumentative tone as he shook his head,

"No vanilla is plain mango is delicious and fruity," Caroline smiled as she looked down to be ice cream that she was eating,

"Agree to disagree," the boy shrugged as he began to panic seeing the ice cream slowly begin to melt,

"Yeah," the girl nodded as she smiled,

"Are you single?" Charles blurted out,

"That just came out," he added in an apologetic tone,

"I am," Caroline nodded,

"Lando said you were too," she added as she cracked a smile,

"You asked?" The boy cocked his head,

"Not really," the girl shook her head as she sighed,

"He has been teasing me about you the whole day," she added as she chewed the inside of her cheek,

"Are you going to be in Russia next weekend?" Charles asked as he knew that the weekend was coming to an end,

"I don't know yet," Caroline shrugged as she hadn't planned on,

"You should," the boy spoke in a suggestive tone,

"I hope to see you," he added with a smile as he watched the girl look down to her ice cream,

"I may just come then," the girl nodded as she tucked her hair behind her ear.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now