𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜.

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Request: 41 with Charles!!! Please, thank u
Prompt: "That will be us one day,"

Request: 41 with Charles!!! Please, thank uPrompt: "That will be us one day,"

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Charles and (Y/n) planned to join his family on a trip to Italy and it was safe to say that (Y/n) was nervous,

"What are you thinking about?" Charles asked curiously as he walked into their shared bedroom,

"Just the trip," (Y/n) explained with a smile

"I just haven't been around your family like this," she added in a duh tone,

"They love you," the boy pointed out as he wrapped his arm around her waist,

"I know they do," the girl nodded as she let out a sigh,

"But it's a week of just being with you guys," she was beyond nervous,

"I know that it is stressful," Charles spoke softly as he placed a kiss on her temple,

"But they would take you as their child over any of their sons any day," he added in a duh tone,

"I mean can you blame them?" (Y/n) smirked as she looked at her boyfriend,

"Hey!" The boy let out a scoff as he furrowed his eyebrows.


The group had been at the AirBnB for a day or two,

"They always do this," Arthur let out a groan as he pinched the bridge of his nose,

"It's sweet," (Y/n) smiled as she sipped her drink,

"Trust me, if you broke into dance with a girl." She added as she looked at the younger boy,

"She would marry you on the spot," it was no secret that (Y/n) thought that it was sweet,

"So why haven't you married me yet?" Charles spoke up as he cocked his head,

The couple often danced in their kitchen when they made dinner.

"Because you're you?" Lorenzo smirked as he looked at his younger brother,

"And you don't do it like that," the girl nodded in agreement,

"What do you mean?" The formula one driver furrowed his eyebrows,

"Look at how sweet they look together," (Y/n) explained in a duh tone,

"And you usually make us dance to some stupid rap song," she sent him a glare,

"Not songs like these," she added as they were listening to some love song,

"Fine then," Charles got off of the couch,

"Get up," he added as he held his hand out to her,

"Is he always this bossy to you?" Arthur asked as he grew amused,

"It's something I have to put up with," (Y/n) nodded as she grabbed the older boys hand,

"Don't let your two left feet show!" She added knowing that her boyfriend was not the best at slow dancing.


Charles and (Y/n) were in bed as they spoke,

"That will be us one day," Charles smiled as he watched how the moonlight reflected off of her skin,

"Huh?" (Y/n) looked at him as she furrowed her eyebrows,

"My parents," the boy explained,

"It'll be us one day," he added,

"Having two great kids and then you?" The girl asked as she tried to keep a straight face as she decided to mess with him a bit,

"No like when they were-" Charles shook his head as he stopped for a moment to think about what she had said,

"Hey!" He let out a scoff as he grabbed the pillow from beside him to hit her with,

"It took you long enough to notice that," (Y/n) let out a giggle,

"That was uncalled for," the boy sent her an unimpressed look as he shook his head,

"I'm sorry but you set me up for it," the girl apologised as she smiled,

"And you know that I love you," she added as she placed a kiss on his lips,

"I love you too," Charles couldn't be annoyed with her even if he tried,

"I'd be happy to grow old with you ma chérie," (Y/n) softly spoke as she ran her fingers along his cheek,

"Good," the boy nodded,

"Because now that my parents love you," he added in what was barely a mumble,

"You are officially stuck with me," he smiled as he pulled her in for a hug.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now