𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬.

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Request: Can you please do somebody to you by the vamps for Lando Norris🧡

Prompt: Somebody To You, The Vamps

Prompt: Somebody To You, The Vamps

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Lando only ever had one care in the world,

He wanted to be somebody to (Y/n), he liked her but just didn't have the guts to tell her,

He would try but would get nervous and freak out.

"Daniel!" (Y/n) let out a squeal as she jumped not noticing the boy behind her,

"Cheer up about it," Carlos let out a sigh as he watched as the Brit sigh.

"I just wish that she would notice me sometimes," Lando grumbled as he looked over at the girl who was busy helping Daniel with the collar of his shirt as she laughed at something he said.

"She'll be at the Christmas party next week," the Spaniard smiled as he knew the party was something that everyone was looking forward to.

"You should talk to her then," he added in a proposing tone,

"But-" the Brit shook his head as he furrowed his eyebrows,

"Rather learn how to do it now before she comes with him to McLaren and you then have to see her everyday," (Y/n) worked as Daniel's physio so she would join him when he moved to McLaren,

"I mean you two were friendly last season but then something happened," Carlos shrugged as he had never learnt what went wrong for the duo,

"Yeah something happened," Lando nodded as he let out a sigh.


Last year (Y/n) found herself befriending the younger drivers on the track,

"George?" (Y/n) called out as she smiled and caught up to him,

"(Y/n)?" George cocked his head as he looked at the girl,

"You know you're like my favourite human right," the girl began as she fixed her hat,

"What have you done?" The boy pushed his lips into a thin line as he cocked his head,

"Why do you think I've done anything?" (Y/n) let out a scoff as she grew defensive,

"Because I know you," George spoke in an amused tone as he smiled,

"And you only tell me that I'm your favourite when you want something," he added as remembered the times that the girl had done it before,

"I need a fiver," the girl explained with a soft smile,

"Why exactly?" The boy asked as he crossed his arms,

"I left my purse in the hub and I can't be bothered to go and get it," (Y/n) let out a groan as she pointed to the Renault hub that was on the other side of the venue,

"Please," she added as she didn't want to walk out there again,

"Fine," George let out a sigh as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket,

"Thank you, you're the best!" The girl cheered as she smiled,

"I know I am," the boy nodded as he couldn't help but laugh at her playfulness.

"I love you!" (Y/n) called out as she ran past Lando who she didn't know had just heard that last part,

"She's one special person," George smiled as he crossed his arms,

"Indeed she is," Lando nodded in agreement as he let out a sigh.


Since that moment Lando assumed (Y/n) was with George and opted out of making a move and even asking either one of them about it,

"You alright?" (Y/n) asked as she cocked her head,

"Huh?" Lando furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the girl,

"I just asked if you were alright," the girl explained as she smiled,

"You zoned out for a bit," she added as she wrapped her fingers around her glass,

"Im fine thanks," the boy nodded as he looked at her,

"You look nice by the way," he added as he noticed the dress that she wore,

"Thank you, I went for the papaya look." (Y/n) winked as she smiled,

She was excited to move to McLaren.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she added as she sipped her drink,

"So how are you and George going?" Lando asked as he cocked his head,

"We are doing good thanks," the girl nodded as she sent him a skeptical look,

"You two are coming up to a year now," the boy began as he tried to do the math in his head,

"Of what?" George asked as he cocked his head hearing his name in the conversation,

"Being together," Lando spoke in a duh tone as he didn't know why the couple didn't know it.

"What?" The duo looked at each other,

"You thought we were together?" They added with wide eyes,

"God that cracks me up," (Y/n) let out a snort as she shook her head,

"Wait so you aren't?" Lando asked as he cocked his head,

"No," they spoke at the same time,

"What gave you the idea that we were?" George furrowed his eyebrows as he didn't like the girl like that,

"You said you loved him," the younger Brit explained,

"Because he gave me money for food!" The girl spoke in a duh tone,

"So just to be clear you two aren't together?" Lando asked as he wanted to make sure,

"Never have been," George shook his head as he smiled,

"Oh," the younger boy nodded.


Lando walked (Y/n) back to her hotel room as he wanted to make sure that she got there safe,

"Well I guess this is you then," Lando let out a sigh as he looked at the girl,

"Lando wait," (Y/n) stopped him from walking away,

"Yeah?" The boy asked as he cocked his head,

"Now that you know that I'm not with George," the girl spoke in what was barely a whisper as she placed a kiss on his lips,

"Still can't believe you seriously thought that," she pulled away with a laugh,

"I'm not going to live it down will I?" The boy asked as he let out a sigh,

"Not a chance," (Y/n) shook her head as she smiled.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now