𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨.

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Request: 51 for Daniel please
Prompt: "You were the one who ended it!"

Request: 51 for Daniel pleasePrompt: "You were the one who ended it!"

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Everyone always warned (Y/n) that it would be dangerous to get into a friend with benefits type of relationship,

But of course, she didn't listen to them.

"Do you want to stop moving around?" Daniel asked as he let out a grumble,

"Not particularly," (Y/n) shook her head as she smiled,

"It's getting amusing," she added as she let out a giggle,

"That's not nice," the boy sighed as he tightened his grip around her waist hoping that it would prevent her from moving as much,

"Life isn't nice," the girl pointed out as she smirked,

"Are you coming to Baku?" Daniel asked quickly changing the subject,

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," (Y/n) spoke in a duh tone,

"Just don't crash into Max again," she added as she turned to him with a giggle,

"I will try," the boy nodded as he smiled.


The race had ended and Daniels celebrations of finishing second were short-lived when he saw (Y/n) stood with her bags packed.

"What is this for?" Daniel asked as he walked up to her,

"I'm leaving," (Y/n) explained as she clenched her hand around the handle of her suitcase,

"To go where?" The boy cocked his head as he grew confused,

"Home," the girl spoke plainly,

"Why?" Daniel always had his best friend by his side when it came to celebrating,

"I can't do this anymore Daniel," (Y/n) had caught feelings and had accepted the fact that it wasn't healthy for her to continue being in an FWB relationship with him.

"I won't do this anymore," she added as she looked to him and let out a sigh,

"Wait let's talk about it," the boy shook his head as he took a step closer to her,

"I've made up my mind already," the girl gripped her bag as she didn't know how to tell him,

"And you can't talk me out of it," she added as she furrowed her eyebrows,

"Did I do something wrong?" Daniel asked as he let out a sigh,

"No you didn't," (Y/n)'s face soften as she cocked her head,

"I just need some time to figure it all out," she added as she ran her fingers through her hair,

"That is my car," the cab pulled up to the side of the hotel,

"Goodbye Dan," the girl sent him a soft salute before she walked off.


It had been four weeks since the duo last spoke and it was killing both of them,

(Y/n) still had a few things left at Daniels house and thought that he was in England and figured it was the best time to get her stuff back.

"I guess this is goodbye then," (Y/n) let out a sigh as she tapped the bottom of the box that she was holding,

"(Y/n)?" Daniel called out as he heard the girls voice,

"What are you doing here?" He added as he cocked his head,

"I realised that I still had a few things here and your spare key," the girl explained as she pulled the house key out of her pocket,

"I was just on my way though," she added with a smile,

"Please stay for a bit," the boy placed his hands in his pockets as he awkwardly stood there,

"I really should be getting back home," (Y/n) didn't want to stay as she felt her cheeks turn pink,

"Give me a reason," Daniel spoke up as he watched her look to the door,

"What?" The girl asked as she cocked her head,

"Give me a reason for why you left," the boy let out a sigh as he chewed the inside of his lip,

"I don't have a reason," (Y/n) placed the box on the table as she scratched her arm,

"You were the one who ended it!" Daniel pointed out as he groaned,

"I ended it because I was in love with you!" The girl blurted out as Daniel's eyes went wide,

"What?" The boy was completely taken by surprise,

"I'm in love with you but you just don't feel that way," (Y/n) sighed as she realised that she couldn't hide it anymore,

"So I couldn't keep it quiet any longer," she added as she looked at him,

"Wow," Daniel pulled his hands out of his pockets as he took a step towards her,

"Okay no need to sound like that," the girl grumbled as she furrowed her eyebrows,

"I'm just a bit surprised," the boy explained,

"I didn't think that you would have felt it too," he added as he reached out as grabbed her hand,

"What do you mean?" (Y/n) cocked her head,

"(Y/n) I liked you way before the whole thing started," Daniel explained as he smiled,

"I just thought there was no way back once it did," he added as he let out a sigh,

"Wow," the girl was surprised that he actually felt the same as her,

"Is this the part where we kiss?" She added as she watched him get rid of the gap that was between them,

"I think that it is," the boy nodded as he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now