𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨.

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Reuqest: 44 with Daniel Ricciardo 😂

Prompt: "I'm with a child at this point," "hey!"

Prompt: "I'm with a child at this point," "hey!"

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Daniel and (Y/n) had been walking around Baku before the race and it was safe to say that they were loving the time that they spent together,

"How are we feeling today," Ted had found the couple and wanted to pull them for an interview,

The fans loved it when they got the couple together.

"Depends on who is asking," the couple spoke at the same time,

"I don't like it when you two do this," the Brit let out a sigh as he shook his head,

They often spoke at the same time and they found it amusing how it scared Ted,

"Do what?" They spoke again at the same time as they looked at each other,

"Okay that one wasn't planned," Daniel shook his head as he smiled,

"Now what can we do for you?" (Y/n) asked as she cocked her head,

"We just wanted to know what was in store for the two of you," the brit explained,

"Are we talking about the weekend or beyond?" The girl cocked her head as she knew that both had very different answers,

"Both," he shrugged as he didn't mind what the answer was,

"Any kids?" He added in a joking tone knowing that the duo had thought about it before,

"I don't think that it will happen anytime soon," Daniel shook his head as he looked to his girlfriend,

"I'm with a child at this point," (Y/n) spoke with a smirk as she waited for him to catch onto what she had said,

"Yeah to be honest-" the driver nodded in agreement as he stopped for a moment,

"Hey!" He added with a scoff as he sent her a glare.

"Took you look enough to pick up on that one," the girl smiled as she let out a giggle,

"I don't think people realise that in her free time she bullies me," Daniel let out a sigh as he looked to Ted,

"He is over exaggerating," (Y/n) rolled her eyes as she shook her head,

"I'm a lovely person in real life," she added in a duh tone,

"Don't believe her," the driver mouthed as he jokingly shook his head.


The couple had been back at the hotel for about an hour when they started to think about their future,

"If we had a house what would you put in it," Daniel looked up from his phone as he spoke,

"We do have a house," (Y/n) pointed out with a smile,

"Just answer the question," the boy spoke in a duh tone as he rolled his eyes,

"Okay," the girl nodded as she turned off her phone and turned her attention to him,

"I would put a family in there," she added as she smiled,

"We'd have two kids and a cat," it was no secret that she had always wanted a cat but that they hadn't gotten one because of the lack of time that they spent away from the house,

"We could name our son Bob," the boy proposed as he smiled,

"You are not naming one of my kids Bob," (Y/n) pushed her lips in a thin line as she shook her head,

"Why not?" Daniel asked as he cocked his head,

"Because it's a shit name," the girl spoke in a duh tone,

"What would you name them?" The boy shot back as he furrowed his eyebrows,

"Wait you wanted to name both of them Bob?" (Y/n) eyes went wide at the thought,

"No that would be stupid," Daniel spoke in a duh tone,

"I haven't decided what I would name the other one," he added with a shrug,

"I would name my son Amelio or Oliver," the girl thought of the first two names that came to her head as she ran her fingers through her hair,

"They just seem sweet," she shrugged,

"We should make a baby," Daniel blurted out as he had always wanted a family with her but just never knew how to say it,

"Wait where are you going?" He added as he watched her get up,

"You said you wanted to make a baby," (Y/n) explained as she smiled,

"I didn't mean it this fast!" The boy let out a gasp,

"I won't be turning down the offer though," he added as he smiled and got up,

"My boyfriend, the horny man child." The girl giggled as she patted his back,

"I'm going to give up on fighting you about what you call me," the boy let out a sigh,

"It's taken you long to accept that," (Y/n) nodded as she smiled.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now