𝐌𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫.

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Request: "I like the sound of my last name on you," with mick, please!

Prompt: "I like the sound of my last name on you,"

Prompt: "I like the sound of my last name on you,"

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(Y/n) was stood in the Haas paddock as she waited for Mick to come out,

"On a scale of one to ten how cautious should I be when I talk to him?" (Y/n) asked as she cocked her head,

"Keep your mouth shut until he talks," Micheal shrugged as he looked at his sons girlfriend,

"Maybe even take him on a walk," he added in a proposing tone as he didn't really know what to expect from his son,

"He seems calmer than I would have expected," the girl pointed out as she took a step closer to him,

"Mick," she added as she wrapped her hand around his bicep,

"Can we not do this right now please?" Mick asked as he turned to his girlfriend,

He had a look of defeat plastered on his face,

"Okay," (Y/n) nodded as she dropped her head,

"I'll chat to you after media then," she added with a soft smile,

"See you then," the driver nodded before he was called off to go and talk.


Just like Micheal suggested Mick and (Y/n) walked around the streets of Monaco,

"What are you thinking about?" Mick asked as he could tell that she was thinking about something,

"I'm sorry about that race," (Y/n) let out a sigh as she looked at him,

"That wasn't your fault," the boy shook his head as he squeezed her hand,

"I know," the girl nodded as she used her other hand to readjust her cap,

"But it's just a shit feeling," she added knowing that he wasn't in the best of moods,

"I just wanted you to know that if you need to bitch you know where to find me." They had only been together for a few months but had known each other since they were kids.

"Thank you but I don't want to get it all on you," Mick was worried that he would just overwhelm the girl if he said too much,

"I'm your girlfriend," (Y/n) spoke in a duh tone as she smiled,

"I'm meant to be someone you lean on," she added as she watched him nod,

"I want to be someone you lean on," she spoke in a what was barely a whisper for the last part but she knew that he still heart her,

"Are my two married?" A voice spoke up from behind them,

"What?" Now the couple looked like they were a few years older but definitely not at the age that the woman as thinking of,

"No," they spoke at the same time,

"Well you two just seem so cute together," she explained with a smile,

"Oh thank you," Mick nodded as he looked at the old lady with a grin,

"Claire there is our bus," the man who the duo assumed was her husband spoke as he motioned to her to hurry up.

"What got you smiling like that?" (Y/n) asked as she watched the older couple walk-off,

"I like the sound of my last name on you," the boy explained as he rubbed the side of her hand with his thumb,

"(Y/n) Schumacher?" The girl cocked her head as he nodded,

"I like the ring of that," she added with a smile,

"I do too," Mick smiled in agreement,

"Now we should get back to the circuit," (Y/n) knew that they would be wanted back soon,

"My dad wants to see us at my motor home," the boy let out a sigh as he read the message from his father,

"Do we have to experience mad Micheal?" Although the girl had only known Micheal for about a month now she knew what to usually expect from him in situations,

"I think it will be more disappointed," the upside to having a parent who used to be a driver was that they knew what it was like to crash and not make it to qualifying.

"But I'll handle it with you," (Y/n) squeezed his hand as she could tel that he was a bit nervous to go,

"If you want me there," she added as he nodded,

"Thank you," Mick smiled as he placed a kiss on her forehead.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now