𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬.

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Request: Hey would u mind doing prompts 18,24 and 25 with lando?

Prompts: "You shouldn't look at me like that and then say that we are just friends." "Oh, you're jealous!" "You're mine, and I don't share."


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(Y/n) was stood in her hotel room as she pulled her shirt over her head,

"We have to go and get breakfast," (Y/n) spoke in a duh tone as she ran her fingers through her hair,

"I want to sleep though," Lando let out a grumble as he looked up from his pillow,

"Lando you have gotta be at the track for media before you walk it," the girl let out a sigh as she shook her head,

"We went to sleep at the same time and I'm up and walking around," she added as she turned to him with a smirk,

"Because I did most of the work," the boy sent her a glare as he rested his head on his hand,

"Keep talking like that and you won't be able to do any of the work at all," (Y/n) warned as she crossed her arms,

"You threatening to tie me up?" Lando asked as he smirked finding this way too amusing,

"Nope," the girl shook her head as she wasn't making it that easy,

"You'll be finding your own room instead," she added with a smirk clearly hinting to the fact that she wouldn't sleep with him for the rest of the trip.

"I'm getting up don't worry," the boy shook her head as he got up not wanting to waste anymore time.


It was the weekend in Spain and Lando was sat by the pool with (Y/n) as they ate their breakfast,

"Who is this?" A boy asked as he looked over at the girl,

"I'm (Y/n)," (Y/n) smiled as she looked up at the driver,

"She's my friend," Lando introduced him to the girl who tucked her hair behind her ears,

"Charles," Charles held his hand out for the girl to shake,

"What brings you to Spain?" He added as he cocked his head,

"Came to support this one," the girl joked as she smiled looking at Lando,

"Charles!" Carlos called out as he looked up from his plate of food,

"Did he do this with you too?" The Monegasque asked as he let out sigh,

"Yep," the Brit nodded as he smiled,

"Well it was nice to meet you," Charles turned his attention to the girl,

"You too," the girl nodded as she watched him run off,

"What's wrong?" Lando asked as he watched her pick at her nails,

"You're looking a bit pissed off," he added as he cocked his head,

"You shouldn't look at me like that and then say that we are just friends." (Y/n) let out a grumble as she shook her head.


Lando watched as (Y/n) laughed at something that Charles had said,

She was trying to push Lando's buttons and it was working.

"I think red suits you better than orange," Charles smiled as he watched the girl out put on his Ferrari cap,

"Really?" (Y/n) asked as she cocked her head,

"Yeah it is does," the boy nodded as he crossed his arms and rested his back against the wall,

"I'll keep that in mind," the girl fixed the hat on her head as she nodded,

"I'm stealing this from you," she added in a joking tone,

"I have plenty more from where those came from," Charles didn't mind seeing the girl in the cap,

"I may come back then knowing my record at keeping things." (Y/n) nodded as she smirked,

"I should get going," the boy let out a sigh as he looked at his watch,

"I'll see you around?" He added as he cocked his head,

"Yeah sure," the girl was all for seeing him later,

"I think Lando is waiting for you," Charles looked across the room to see Lando glaring at him,

"Go," (Y/n) rolled her eyes as she sent him a soft shove,

"Should we go walk the track now?" She added as she looked at Lando,

"Yeah," the Brit nodded as he walked over to her.


(Y/n) and Lando had been walking through the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya track as they spoke,

"You excited for the race on Sunday?" (Y/n) asked as she cocked her head,

"Of course," Lando nodded,

"Are you going to be in my paddock?" He added as he furrowed his eyebrows,

"Where else would I be?" The girl spoke in a playful tone as she didn't know where he thought she would be instead.

"With Charles," the boy grumbled as he crossed his arms,

"Oh, you're jealous!" (Y/n) let out a gasp as she finally figured it out.

"Keep your voice down," Lando placed his hand on her shoulder as he motioned to her to go quiet,

"And stop smiling like that," he added as he shook his head,

"You're jealous of Charles," the girl smirked as she let out a laugh,

"Well you're mine and I don't share." The duo had been friends with benefits for about four months now,

"Why are you smiling?" The boy let out a groan,

"Because you are making me laugh," (Y/n) spoke in a duh tone,

"Charles is the last person you have to worry about," she added as she patted his back,

"Who is before him then?" Lando furrowed his eyebrows as he cocked his head,

"Carlos," the girl joked,

"I have a thing for accents," she added with a giggle,

"Come here you," the boy reached his hands out to the girl,

"Lando!" She let out a squeal as she was thrown over his shoulder.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now