𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬.

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Request: 25 with Lando please

Prompt: "You're mine, and I don't share."


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(Y/n) was patiently waiting for her boyfriend to come back from the bar when she quickly heard the sound of his laugh.

"You're so impressive," a girl smiled as she ran her fingers along his bicep,

"I need to get back to my table," Lando spoke calmly as he clutched to both glasses and just hoped that the girls would leave him to go back alone,

"Well, I hope to see you again soon," the blonde nodded as she dropped her hand and sent him a wave as she watched him walk away,

"Not if I can have anything to do with it," (Y/n) mumbled as she had heard the whole conversation,

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Lando asked as he cocked his head,

"I'm doing great," the girl nodded as she fiddled with her ring,

"How are the friends you just made?" She added as she softly popped her lips,

"They are good, now enough about everyone else. Tonight is about us," the boy smiled as he handed her, her drink not thinking any more of what she had said.


The couple found themselves back in their hotel room far too early in Lando's opinion.

"(Y/n) what is wrong?" Lando asked as he pulled his jacket off of his body leaving him in his grey shirt,

"Nothing," (Y/n) shook her head as she threw her hair into a bun and made her way into the bathroom,

"You've been short with me the whole evening," the boy crossed his arms as he began to think about when her mood changed,

"Are you jealous?" He added as he cocked his head as he couldn't help but smirk,

"You're mine, and I don't share." The girl grumbled as she unzipped her dress and slipped out of it,

"Wipe that smirk off of your face," she added as she saw his face in the reflection of the mirror as she pulled on one of Lando's shirts that she was planning to sleep in.

"Baby," Lando smiled as he watched her roll her eyes,

"What?" (Y/n) asked as she turned to face him and made her way back into their bedroom,

"I don't want to be shared," the boy explained as he watched a small smile form on her face,

"Well, then it is good that we are on the same page," the girl nodded as she crossed her arms,

"What are you doing?" She added as she cocked her head as she watched him put his shoes back on,

"It's only half ten, we still have the whole night to ourselves," Lando explained as he motioned to the alarm clock that sat on the bedside table,

"And I plan to only spend it with you," he added as he extended his hand out toward her,

"Now where do you want to go?" The couple stood in silence as (Y/n) licked her lips as she thought about her different options,

"To bed," (Y/n) bluntly spoke as she let out a yawn,

"Are you seriously tired?" The boy asked as he let out a groan not thinking that the girl was being serious,

"Seeing girls death stares the whole evening is hard work," the girl nodded as she smiled,

"I love you," Lando grabbed her hands as he squeezed them,

"But you do not need to be jealous," the boy placed a kiss on her lips as he spoke softly,

"Of anyone," he added as he watched her nod.


It had been about three months since the duo had been to the club and they were doing great.

"Sorry, I'm late," Lando apologised as he walked back into the motor home,

"Don't be, you were celebrating with the boys," (Y/n) shook her head as she smiled,

"I'm proud of you," she added as she pulled him in for a hug,

"I always do well when you're here," the boy spoke as he caught a whiff of her hair,

"Are you saying I'm some kind of good luck charm?" The girl asked as she smirked,

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Lando nodded as he placed his hands on her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss,

"Lando," one of the members on the McLaren team spoke up,

"Oh hey (Y/n)," he added as he didn't know that the girl was there,

"Hi," (Y/n) pulled away as she awkwardly smiled and looked at him,

"Lando there are some fans outside," the older boy scratched the back of his neck,

"Shoot," Lando let out a sigh as he looked at his girlfriend,

"They love you as I do," the girl smiled as she ran her fingers through her hair,

"I can't blame them for wanting to see you," she added as she shrugged,

"Come on then," the boy locked hands with the girl,

"I want them to see you," he added as he heard footsteps meaning that the worker had left,

"You sure?" (Y/n) asked as she cocked her head,

"Yeah," Lando nodded as he smiled,

"Let's go then," she followed him out of the motor home to where the fans were waiting

"Remember me, we met at the club." The girl from the club waved at the duo,

"Not again," (Y/n) mumbled as her face dropped.


𝐑𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐬 - 𝐅𝟏 & 𝐅𝟐 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now