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I'm finally peace of mind and in my own happy place! It was a normal rainy day on a friday morning I didn't wanna get off my bed but I've got that big exam to write; I must gather the courage and get up and get to class "Asap" anywho I'm off with the gals; To college we go. Before I even opened my locker there was this loud bang next to my locker I can feel it piercing my ears, There she is Veronica the Queen bitch in agony and hate rushing towards me, She said he's mine and will always be mine watch your back " bitch" I'll be watching you nobody takes what's mine!! I'm stunned because why is she being a bitter ex? it's over. I went my way she went hers! Exam is over as I headed to the cafeteria to meet the girls and the love of my life! I was approached by Veronica but this time with her crew, they all circled me and kept calling me names pushing me slapping me I fell to the ground. "STOP IT" shouts Edward leave her alone I said before it become a bloodbath! They quietly left as Veronica remain standing over me; I said get away from her veronica make me come there, As embarrassed as she was she whispered to me this isn't over bitch. I got up dust my self off and went to have my lunch Edward Hugged me as he said I'll always have your back babe. Let's hang out tonight said Nina and Ashley! Where are we going asked Edward ? The girls laughed it's a girls night Edward you're not invited lol... we girls are going to the club on 110th Avenue that recently opened. Have fun girls and be safe Edward said he then kissed me good bye.
It's club night we are all decked out minnie skirts, crop top, heels and our jacket. We're in a VIP area having a time of our lives shots after shots. There's so much fun I can't recall the last time I had so much of fun. As I headed to the bathroom powdering my nose I heard a voice that I knew; No it can't be I haven't seen her in forever it happens to be no one else but my dear mother (Cassie) Oh Brooklyn my dear dear child how are you? I've missed you ! Oh really did you now mom ??? You haven't called me once since I've moved out to ask if I'm okay or if I'm alive and you wanna tell me that u missed me !!! Save it Cassie you're dead to me.

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