.:.Calm Before Travel.:.

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This chapter is a bit of a filler page, more of just setting things up! Also uh- yes Hare and Rime are going to have a bit more purpose than just being filler characters- no one asked, just thought I'd throw that out there. Little IceWing man and his big buff girlfriend have become some of my favorite characters even if they're just written and not drawn.

There was something else I wanted to add to this Author's not but- what was it? Oh right! Chapter's will be coming out a bit slower now that it's getting towards the end of the year and I have testing and I need to make sure i'm passing yada yada. Anyways, hope you enjoy! <3

[Side note- if this chapter doesn't fully add up in the beginning- it's because my memory sucks-]


Beetle shifted her weight from one talon to the other,watching the shopkeep shine the pearl of the other ring.

Then why stay with him if he's such a proble-

"Beetle!" A voice called from her side, the shopkeep, SkyWing jumping slightly as an excited and yet frightened Angelfish came rushing in her direction.

"King Crystal! He wants everyone back at the castle as soon as possible. The guards will be taking us back to the SkyWing palace." Her wings fluttered a bit as she spoke, chest heaving as the tribrid caught her breath. Beetle shifted her gaze to the SkyWIng she had met moments ago.

"Seems like you're on quite the adventure." The red dragon chuckled, handing Beetle her ring.

"Take care now. Don't let Lady Sunfire push you around too much." The Skywing waved them off and Angelfish took this as a chance to grab Beetle and pull her away from the stand.

Hey, you still there?


Beetle sighed as she looked at the shiny, blue pearl on the other ring, slipping it passed her talon as a placeholder until she had a chance.

"Do you think they work for the Queen?" Angelfish asked, breaking the silence that had fallen over them. Sof chatter and crunching of snow under talons was the only other sound.

"Who? Oh.. maybe?" Beetle lifted her head, watching the palace near.

"What if Queen Sunfire wants us back? To fight back in the arena?" The Sandwing tribrid shivered at the thought, having to do what she had done was already too much.

"I doubt she will. Probably already found someone to take your places. Mine too most likely." Angelfish shrugged, rubbing Beetle's side with her wing as a way of silent comfort.

"King Crystal said that he wants us back in the position Snowbird had us in. Mudwings in the back, Icewing's in the front." Angelfish had stopped near the entrance of the palace, turning to look over at Beetle. Tightly folding her wings at her sides. Beetle only nodded, walking up the cold icy stairs and onto the soft carpet.

"Ah! Ladies! Welcome back." The king exclaimed, wiping around on his talons to turn to the two tribrid walking under the very over the top archway.

"Rime and hare have found us a quick route back to the Skywing kingdom." King Crystal smiled as he turned to meet the two Icewing guards near his sides. Rime pinched the bridge of her snout, shaking her head at the king's excitedness while Hare fiddled with his spear.

"If we were to take a Deepwing around the content and past the other kingdoms, it'll be quicker than flying." Rime breathed out, lowering her talons with a soft click on the icy stone floor.

"Deepwings?" Tavi chirped, the fin on his head tipping a bit as his head tilted.

"One of the many tribes that only live here on Eihan. T-the largest in fact." Hare happily answered, even if his words still stuttered a bit, he was always happy to talk about the tribes. Tavi nodded as his head lifted.

"Now then! Why don't you stay here for the night and we'll start our travels in the morning." Crystal lifted his gaze to the dragonets before him. That grin on his face only grew wider.

"There are shops and tents in the marketplace if you want to have a quick meal."Rime chimed in once more, looking towards the exit of the throne room.

"T-there are dorm down the hall, right of where you've entered. Feel free to share a room or have one of your own." Hare finished, sinking back into himself once he was done talking.

The rest of the night went by slow. The group of dragonet's split off in groups of two.

Angelfish and Alpha.

Beetle and Crow.

And Lastly. Tavi, Macaw, and The egg.

Some had gone off to the marketplace to grab a quick bite and with the discount the king must've given them, the food was worth little to no scales.

Beetle curled up in her nest, that made up of animal pelts and other soft material, her eyes trailing over to an already asleep Crow. Of course he was already sleeping like a hatchling, he must've grown up in a palace similar to this one, and not to mention how comfortable the nest's were, much better than the ones back at the school. The tribrid quietly hummed to herself till she felt her eyelids grow heavy, eventually drifting off to sleep.

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